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Advantages of Online Therapy

Advantages of Online Therapy

Last Updated: 15-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Top 4 Reasons why people prefer Online Therapy to In-person Therapy

In recent times, from ordering food to seeking healthcare within clicks, the online world has grown more than ever. When it comes to getting mental health therapy, people are getting inclined toward it significantly. We have looked into the top reasons why people have switched as well as started seeking online therapy.

1. Hesitation to visit a therapist

Online therapy might be convincing for individuals who feel awkward talking about their concerns with a therapist face-to-face. Online psychologists can assist those individuals who do not have an emotionally supportive network or people who might not have the opportunity to come for in-person therapy sessions.

2. Mental health stigma in the society

Online therapy is highly valuable for people who would prefer not to be viewed as having any mental health issues. We all do wish the stigma to end, but till then, we are thankful for online therapists.

3. Imbalance between personal and professional life 

Workload and sudden family plans to disrupt our calendars from time to time. In such cases, face-to-face therapy might seem inconvenient. Online therapy is more advantageous for individuals who are mostly occupied or are constantly traveling.

4. Online therapy is affordable

Consulting an online therapist is kind to your pocket when compared to face-to-face therapy. You can save your traveling cost and secondary resources costs charged by physical therapists.

A few therapists may just offer the choice of online therapy, while others will also present face-to-face therapy meetings. Examine the choices based on your convenience and comfort to get the best out of online therapy.

Couple therapy is also convenient for those couples who can t sit together in an offline meeting.

Online therapy: What is in the store?

The therapist will probably get some information from you regarding symptoms and other data that might be valuable in constructing a therapy plan. You might be approached to finish an assessment that will assist your therapist in making the best therapy plan for you.

Your therapist may request that you sign a consent form before starting your online therapy meetings.

During your online therapy, you will use a secure platform for video, audio, chat/email to talk about your goals and progress with your therapist.

You might be approached to plan the sessions on specific days/weeks or to respond to messages within a specific period. You may also be approached to attend a specific number of meetings every week or month depending on your treatment plan.

Your therapist may also request that you complete homework tasks between meetings. Such tasks might include:

  • Keeping a diary
  • Perusing self-improvement or different books
  • Discussing with others about your emotional wellness
  • Keeping away from specific circumstances
  • Doing proactive tasks
  • Doing relaxing workouts
  • Changing dietary patterns
  • Changing your everyday schedule

Benefits of Online Therapy

Compared with face-to-face therapy, online therapy might help you:

  • Save resources- time and money.
  • Feel more in charge.
  • Effectively access support.
  • Keep your therapy schedules private.
  • Have consent to your therapy plan.
  • Be in charge of your therapy arrangements

A couple of things to keep in mind while approaching online therapy

Your therapist will probably give you a review on the most proficient method to work on your meetings. In case you are discontent with your meetings, you should go ahead and talk about the feedback with your therapist.

Be straightforward with your therapist about your thoughts, feelings, and encounters. In case you are not happy with the online counselling, you should go ahead and tell your therapist.


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