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Are you working from home correctly?

Are you working from home correctly?

Last Updated: 10-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Since the pandemic, almost all of us had to shift the working dynamics to home. A lot of us are still working from home. And therefore, here we touch upon a common thing we all do wrong that affects our work quality.

Working from our beds or couches! How many of the following are true for you?

  1. Working from bed (Home)

  2. Laptop is the only machine you use for work

  3. Screen time running upto 10+ hours

  4. In meetings every other hour

  5. Have stopped using pen and paper for quick notes.

We all are pretty aware of how detrimental these practices are. Thus, this is your sign to stop them and have an alternative one. You are probably hurting your eyes, back, posture and reducing your work quality.

You have to acknowledge the importance of optimizing the small spaces of working area that enhances your quality of work delivered. Not just to be fast and productive, but for betterment of your physical and mental health during work too.

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Things you can change today:

  1. Get an external mouse and keyboard to speed up work and maintain some distance from the screen

  2. Invest in an external monitor.

  3. Invest in a desk and comfortable chair.

  4. Keep a pen and paper next to you to jot down ideas and to-dos

  5. Declutter by having no stacks of books (not being used for work), Fancy colored lighting, and small and big decors/show pieces.

Remember, Minimal keeps you mindful.

Your productivity and mood at work have should increase. If your work habits are similar to the above mentioned, you won t regret spending money on a workplace that will inspire you to return to the office each day.

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