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Dealing With Procrastination

Dealing With Procrastination

Last Updated: 31-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

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Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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The word procrastination is derived from “pro” i.e. Latin for in favor of and “castings” i.e. of tomorrow. As a term, it, therefore, refers to avoiding a task till some unstated point in time.  One may put off a task due to various reasons like tending to something important, to get more time to plan the activity at hand, or even because they don’t have the resources to complete a task presently. But procrastination is distinct from such occurrences, as it involves actively avoiding a task despite potential negative or unwanted consequences.

Procrastination is also not about poor time management. The essential element is that a person chooses to do something else or even nothing, instead of taking on a pending task, despite having ample time.

Academic procrastination1 is a common phenomenon. In this, a student knows he or she must attend to an academic task that needs completion within a stipulated time limit. And yet, students end up failing to perform the task in the given time period. In fact, studies have shown that academic procrastination is a common element of student life with up to 95% of students claiming to have procrastinated at least some point in their life.

A major part of deciding how much procrastination works and doesn’t is related to its consequences. We all avoid some things we need to get done for various reasons. We lack interest in them, find them boring, want to attend a more fun activity, etc. Such occurrences are pretty harmless and can be managed in the long run. But, consistently indulging in such behavior is not fruitful either. This is because procrastination has been found to be linked to higher stress levels, feelings of shame as well as lowered performance levels.

So why do people procrastinate?

The answer to this, though not exact, can be manifold. Fearing that once a task is done and you will be judged for it, can lead to delaying the task. Some people find themselves doing this out of concern of being considered a failure at a task. In some ways, poor management skills and self-discipline can make a task overwhelming and may lead to putting it off until later. In addition, issues in prioritizing things can also lead to procrastination.

The question that some of us are faced with is how to deal with procrastination as a habit. Like any habit, consistent efforts are required to avoid procrastinating. Some ways to do so include:

  • Identifying the “why”: Start with trying to understand why you are procrastinating. Chances are you may find yourself struggling with certain concerns like the ones mentioned above. Once you get even a slightly better idea of such reasons, keep them in mind for future reference and look out for such patterns
  • Setting priorities: Go through the list of tasks you need to complete. And then move on to decide which task requires more attention or diligence. Knowing where and when to start can help ease the potential pressures attached to completing them.
  • Remember the consequences: You may have identified a pattern related to procrastination which surrounds feeling guilty or overwhelmed or even dejected after delaying a task for a long. Remember such occurrences. When you find yourself leaning towards procrastinating, ask yourself “What will this finally get me?”.
  • One piece of the puzzle at a time: Start small. Take one step at a time when doing something you want to procrastinate. Make a schedule for it. For example, you can divide the task into different parts and complete each one by one, or you can decide on beginning your list of work from the activities you don’t like so as to move on to ones you rather enjoy. The point is to deal with a seemingly challenging task with patience and planning.



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