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Dominance as a trait

Dominance as a trait

Last Updated: 08-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Are you a power-seeker?  Do you thrive on high status and take pleasure in looking down at people?  Are you a dominant Person? It’s always important to understand which of your personality traits rules you. People who are high in dominance are outgoing and task-oriented. They tend to be direct, decisive, motivated and demanding. They usually have high confidence, are self-motivated, and take risks comfortably. They like to focus on the big picture, not on the details. Their desire for power has a significant effect not only on their career choices but also on their behaviour.

Typically, this type of personality is motivated by new challenges, specific objectives, and recognition of goals.

But, an obsession with power can also corrupt high-dominant people, whereas also people who have high dominance often find themselves in good leadership positions, as dominance is characterized by a desire for the authority, control, and power that comes with formal positions of leadership.

As leaders, dominant-oriented people enjoy making decisions for their team, giving orders, and getting things going. They are personally assertive, sometimes overwhelmingly so. In meetings, they often do most talking and may even lower the pitch of their voice as a means of intimidating others. Dominance-oriented leaders often leverage their power and positions of formal authority to force people to do what they want them to do. For example, highly dominant leaders tend to encourage their employees to receive bonuses and promotions and force them to face the threat of punishment. Essentially, they are less concerned about fostering positive relationships with their team members than they are about getting things done – the way they see fit.
They should always keep a few things in mind regarding how they can manage high dominance:

  • They must communicate briefly and directly (i.e., get to the point)
  • They should provide a lot of autonomy; avoid micromanaging
  • They should agree on clear and measurable goals.
  • They should use competition or comparison with others to motivate

Whereas dominance is a significant yet underappreciated phenomenon in romantic relationships. The most stable romantic relationships and marriages seem to be those in which domination is evident from the outset. The dominant partner usually found to makes all decisions, from what show to watch on TV in the evening to where to go on holiday in the vacations, and the subordinate partner agrees and takes on a supporting role.

Dominant traits in relationships

  • Dominates is one who is more self-sufficient.
  • A submissive is a person who is investing more in a relationship.
  • A person Having higher social status and a better position in society.
  • An individual who is less emotionally involved dominates sometimes.
  • The dominant person always appreciates themselves more than their partner and is ready to put an end to the relationship at any moment.

High dominance is found to be Influential in Relationships irrespective of gender.
When Male Partner is Dominant

The advantage of such relationships is that a woman feels that her partner is as safe as a home and that she does not have to deal with various everyday difficulties and problems on her own. Such a partner often not only has a strong and decisive character, but he also earns good money.
The main drawback of such relationships is the complete dependence of a woman on her husband, which can sometimes take the most extreme forms and threaten a woman with complete loss of self as a person. Moreover, a woman who is unfamiliar with the battle for life may feel miserable and helpless if a man suddenly wants to get a divorce.

When Female Partner is Dominant

Such relationships typically occur in a family in which, firstly, a woman earns a lot more than a man and, secondly, she has a stronger character and is not afraid to accept generally male responsibilities. A man can be satisfied with such a relationship if he is not eager for leadership, and especially if he has a similar example of parents. The downside of such a relationship may be that a woman could suddenly attract a stronger man, compared to a dull, uninteresting woman, an eternally submissive and calm partner, while a strong, dominant woman cannot peacefully coexist with an equally powerful and dominant man, women most often rarely leave their stable and comfortable partner even when relationships start.

Dominance is good until its Healthy , be it in profession or relationships it demands that each person feels whole on their own!


In case you wish to get in touch with an online psychologist to discuss more about dominance, contact HopeQure !


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