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Fear of losing someone - Loss and Grief

Fear of losing someone - Loss and Grief

Last Updated: 14-04-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Have you lost someone or something that created a void in your life? Was it a struggle to pass through?


Loss and birth are part of the life cycle. Out of which loss is the sad and difficult one. While loss comes with a feeling, grief is the process of going through it and healing.


For Instance, if there was a death of a close family member, or a close friend, or a serious illness of a loved one, the time you give yourself to bounce back from this is grief.


The feeling of loss and suffering is very personal and may differ from person to person. May be losing a pet, or a job or your childhood home have adverse effects on your life but do not have the same significance in the life of others around you. And likewise the process of grief will take its time to heal you.


When suffered a loss, it is important to give yourself the time to grieve. Taking your time and opening up to the new life options can be accounted. Self pampering is the most important in this so that the love for self helps you heal better. There could also be a need to allow others contribution in your process to make it faster.


Grief however should be a spiral process where you seem to be going round and round but not on the same path, rather moving up towards the light. But the catch in this is, that if the process of grief starts to take the linear path then it may result in a never ending process taking a toll on the mental, physical, and emotional life of the person. And thats when you need an outside support of a professional.


So reach out and seek help



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