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How Do I Conquer My Fear of Large Objects Megalophobia

How Do I Conquer My Fear of Large Objects Megalophobia

Last Updated: 04-03-2023

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Written by :

Ms.Tanvi Jain, M.phil
Clinical Psychologist
RIMS - M.Phil

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Have you ever felt a hit of fear or anxiousness when you are around something colossal - multiple times bigger than your size? If yes, there is a name for your fear- Megalophobia; it is the fear of large objects. If this is not you, it may be of interest to gain insight into this phobia. It is genuine, and people may suffer intensely from it.

Individuals with megalophobia will frequently fear whatever is bigger than them. This can include running from a big car s size to something the size of a high-rise building and everything in the middle and even bigger things than those. The presence of megalophobia indicates that any vast article causes the victim to feel apprehensive and terrified.

It is anything but challenging to misdiagnose yourself. In case you are just scared of reptiles, you may have herpetophobia. In case you are not scared of little reptiles, you may have a blend of herpetophobia and megalophobia. In any case, it is essential to connect with a psychologist before you search for solutions for phobias.ย 

What Type of Symptoms Will Someone With Megalophobia Experience?

Individuals who have megalophobia may encounter many mental and physical indications when they are around enormous items. Some of these indications include:

  • Sweat-soaked or temperamental hands (and other body parts)
  • Steamed stomach and queasiness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Hyperventilation and brevity of breath
  • Chest torments
  • Unsteadiness
  • Fits of anxiety
  • Exceptional emotionsย of stress and fear

As these side effects endure, the individual with megalophobia may build up extra psychological maladjustments, for example, sadness because of their fear. To keep this from happening, look for guaranteed treatment if you figure you may have megalophobia. On the off chance that different issues have just evolved, getting treatment is considerably and progressively significant.

What Causes Megalophobia?

In the same way as other different fears, megalophobia is frequently created due to a horrible mishap during adolescence or early adulthood. These horrible mishaps regularly include an enormous object, so the individual is referred to connect every huge item with fear and injury. In case you are battling with megalophobia, it is significant that you reveal this occasion in treatment so that you can deal with it. Preparing for this will help you understand the foundation of your feelings of fear so that you can defeat them a lot quicker.

How Do I Conquer My Fear of Large Objects?

In the first place, realize that you should work with a psychologist to defeat megalophobia instead of attempting to treat it all alone.

Considering that, we should discuss a portion of the techniques utilized in treatment to recuperate from your fear of huge articles. For instance, if your condition is extreme, your advisor may recommend a drug to diminish the side effects of sadness and nervousness as you work through your feelings. Furthermore, there are numerous strategies that a specialist may consider to assist you with defeating megalophobia. These include:

Behavioral Therapy

The psychologist will help you acknowledge why your feelings of fear are holding you back and help you replace your concerns with good reflections.


You will be presented with your feelings of trepidation through fanciful and genuine circumstances to step by step decrease your indications after some time.

Unwinding Techniques

Along with your ordinary course of treatment, your advisor will show you unwinding methods to help you feel progressive right around the items you fear.


This helpful technique opens a patient to their feelings of dread unexpectedly and quickly moves them past their fear. However, you might encounter this sort of treatment on the off chance that a specialist suggests it; you can choose if you are OK with it.

Is it accurate to say that you are hoping to recuperate yet have no clue about where to begin the mending? Assuming this is the case,ย  talk to a psychologist atย HopeQure.

Numerous individuals with fears experience difficulty pursuing treatment or visiting a therapist. Web-based guidance makes the procedure easier because you can converse with your specialist from the solace and security of your own home.

If you or someone you know is suffering from this fear, know that professionals are out there to help to treat this phobia. Living with an irrational, persistent fear may develop long-term severe mental and physical illnesses. It is never too late to begin the end of your phobia. The sooner you start, the easier your recovery will become.

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