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Identifying and Addressing Toxic Leadership

Identifying and Addressing Toxic Leadership

Last Updated: 27-11-2024

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Ms.Shruti Singh
Counselling Psychologist

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Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Leadership is important in influencing the culture of an organization, the morale of employees and their productivity. While capable leaders motivate and encourage development, negative leadership has the opposite outcome, causing increased employee turnover, anxiety, and reduced productivity. Recognizing toxic leaders requires focusing on subtle yet damaging behaviors that disturb team dynamics. This blog will delve into the concept of recognizing toxic leadership, identifying the impact of toxic leadership and offering solutions for individuals and companies to combat it. Case studies and research findings mentioned below will help showcase the practical effects of toxic leadership and offer concrete strategies for prevention and intervention.ย 

What is Toxic Leadership?

Toxic leadership is when leaders misuse their power to cause harm to both employees and the organization. Signs of toxic leadership incorporate behaviors that adversely influence team morale and organizational well-being. Common signs of toxic leadership incorporate excessive control, absence of empathy, and favoritism. As Lipman-Blumen (2005) states, toxic leaders employ fear, intimidation, and manipulation to manage their teams, typically placing personal benefit above the health of the organization. The behaviors they exhibit create a negative work atmosphere, characterized by diminished spirits, lack of confidence, and psychological struggles for the staff.ย 

Toxic leadership involves more than just occasional misconduct- it is a continuous trend that weakens team unity and effectiveness. The impact of toxic leadership extends beyond individual well-being, influencing the overall organizational culture. Addressing toxic leadership includes finding deliberate ways to promote better leadership practices and enhance working environment culture. Recognizing toxic leaders includes recognizing key behaviors that negatively influence both individuals and organizations. Padilla, Hogan, and Kaiser (2007) emphasize that toxic leadership consists of three main elements: harmful actions, vulnerable followers, and an environment that fosters this type of behaviour.ย 

Recognizing the Signs of toxic leadership

  1. Micromanagement and lack of trust: Toxic leaders frequently engage in micromanagement, overseeing every detail of an employeeโ€™s work and lacking trust in their ability to work independently. This conduct indicates an absence of confidence in the team, resulting in annoyance and detachment.ย 

Example: A marketing manager regularly checks each email before sending it, which hinders the teamโ€™s autonomy. Workers experience a lack of freedom and appreciation, resulting in exhaustion.ย 

  1. Emotional abuse and bullying: Toxic leaders employ emotional abuse to ridicule, critique, or embarrass employees, whether itโ€™s in private or public. This conduct results in an unfriendly work atmosphere and can significantly affect the mental well-being of employees.ย 

Example: Uber faced criticism in 2018 due to Susan Fowler, a former engineer, publicly exposing a toxic work environment filled with harassment and bullying. Leadershipโ€™s failure to address employee concerns led to public backlash and mass resignations.ย 

  1. Favoritism and unfair treatment: Toxic leaders frequently practice favoritism by showing preference towards specific employees and disregarding others. This leads to splits within teams and encourages bitterness.ย 

Example: A manager consistently favoring close friends for promotions over more qualified employees results in decreased morale and the eventual departure of talented staff.ย 

  1. Poor communication and Blame shifting: Successful leaders admit mistakes and have transparent communication. On the other hand, toxic leaders deflect responsibility onto others and evade taking ownership, frequently leaving employees uninformed on important choices. Research conducted by Owen et al. (2015) revealed that companies with toxic leaders encounter increased communication problems, resulting in confusion and decreased productivity.ย 
  2. High turnover and employee burnout: Among employees are clear indicators of toxic leadership. Workers tend to depart from toxic leadership due to stress, lack of acknowledgement and emotional fatigue.

Example: The management of Wells Fargo was criticized for creating a toxic sales environment that forced employees to achieve unattainable goals, leading to dishonest behavior. The aftermath involved numerous resignations, legal actions and harm to the organizationโ€™s reputation.

The Impact of Toxic Leadership

The Impact of toxic leadership reaches further than just individual employees, impacting the overall performance of the organization as a whole.ย 

  • Problems with mental health: Being exposed to toxic leadership for a long period can result in anxiety, depression and burnout in workers.ย 

  • Decreased productivity: Toxic leaders foster an environment of fear and uncertainty, leading to a drop in employee engagement.ย 

  • Negative Image: Companies with unhealthy environments are closely examined by the public, which results in difficulties in recruiting and retaining skilled employees.

  • Financial loss: The rise in staff turnover and disengagement led to an increase in expenses for recruitment and training.ย 

A Gallup study (2019) found that toxic leadership is a major reason for employee turnover, resulting in U.S. companies losing over $223 billion in 5 years.

Taking Action Against Toxic Leadership

Dealing with toxic leadership necessitates a proactive effort from both staff and companies. Below are a few strategies that can be used:ย 

  1. Create easily accessible channels for reporting: Employees should be able to report toxic behavior anonymously, without worrying about any form of retaliation. Example: Numerous companies currently utilize third-party platforms that allow employees to safely report harassment or unethical practices.ย 

  2. Promote a positive organizational culture: Leaders need to focus on openness, equity, and courtesy. Establishing a culture that prioritizes open communication and feedback can stop toxic leadership from developing. According to Kelloway et al. (2012), organizations with robust ethical cultures had fewer occurrences of toxic leadership.

  3. Leadership training for development: Companies need to offer consistent training for leaders that centers on emotional intelligence, empathy, and conflict resolution. Harmful actions are frequently the result of not being self-aware or lacking emotional regulation. โ€œProject Oxygenโ€ by Google determined key leadership attributes, like empathy and communication abilities, that enhanced leadership methods company-wide.ย 

  4. Hold leaders responsible: Performance evaluations should assess not just the results but also the methods by which leaders attain them. Leaders who display toxic behavior need to be responsible, facing consequences such as extra training or firing. Following an examination of workplace wrongdoing, Uberโ€™s CEO Travis Kalanick was requested to resign, highlighting the importance of companies taking firm measures against harmful leadership.

  5. Foster employee wellness and assistance: Companies should advocate for employee well-being by offering mental health programs, counseling services, and work-life balance initiatives. Workers who receive are more likely to remain resilient in challenging circumstances.ย 

How Employees can cope with toxic leadership

Although organizations must address toxic leadership, employees can also take measures to safeguard themselves against it.ย 

  • Record incidents: Maintaining a log of harmful actions can be beneficial in case you need to address the problem.

  • Establish boundaries: Establish boundaries by effectively communicating them to prevent being overwhelmed or mistreated.

  • Get help: Reach out to trusted peers or seek assistance from a mental health professional if the situation impacts your well-being.

  • Create a plan for leaving: If the unhealthy atmosphere continues, think about looking for new job options.ย 

Toxic leadership poses a significant threat to both individuals and organizations. Identifying indicators such as micromanaging, bullying, and inadequate communication enables employees and organizations to promptly address issues. By taking proactive steps such as providing leadership training, promoting open communication, and ensuring accountability, companies can establish more positive work environments that stimulate development and achievement.ย 

Addressing toxic leadership benefits both individuals and the organization as a whole, resulting in enhanced morale, productivity, and long-term success.ย 



  • Gallup. (2019). State of the American Workplace Report. Gallup Press.
  • Kelloway, E. K., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Loughlin, C. (2012). Transformational leadership and employee well-being: The mediating role of trust. Work & Stress, 26(1), 39-55.
  • Lipman-Blumen, J. (2005). The Allure of Toxic Leaders: Why We Follow Destructive Bosses and Corrupt Politiciansโ€”and How We Can Survive Them. Oxford University Press.
  • Owens, B. P., Wallace, A. S., & Waldman, D. A. (2015). Leader narcissism and follower outcomes: The counterbalancing effect of leader humility. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4), 1203.
  • Padilla, A., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2007). The toxic triangle: Destructive leaders, susceptible followers, and conducive environments. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(3), 176-194.

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