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Why Self-Care is so Important for Longevity and Wellness of any Relationship?

Why Self-Care is so Important for Longevity  and Wellness of any Relationship?

Last Updated: 11-01-2023

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

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Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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We always seem to gravitate to someone who expresses our feelings inside, rather than searching for someone who brings the best of us out. All this while what we don’t understand is the concept that less we feel comfortable about ourselves and the less satisfaction we have inside us, the more likely we are to try relationships with the wrong people.

A relationship is like a living entity, it needs attention and nourishment, and it needs them regularly, not just once in a while. It refers to all kinds of relationships, not just romantic, although here are discussing various love relationships with a partner in this blog.

Types of Relationships


Marriage is the traditional institution, it is the mechanism by which two individual announce publicly, officially their relationship. They become their life partner when they marry each other. Its joining two people in a potential partnership, being legally tied together. Marriages are organized in many cultures. The marriage structure has evolved over the years.

Nonetheless, essentially the same thing remains that marriage is the link between two individuals and that these two persons ideally love each other deeply, but sometimes marriage has difficulties, many of which are profound.

Live-In Relationship

Nowadays every millennium believes that the bond that binds marriage is must be optional for them. They believe in relationships, but without its obligations and responsibilities. This is when one engages in a live-in relationship. This arrangement is usually made by consent, either to test the compatibility before marriage or simply to avoid the difficulties of a formal marriage. Keeping in mind the reason, there is an increase in the number of couples who choose a live-in relationship before marriage. People enjoy being in this kind of relationship as there is no fear of divorce, there is mutual respect, fewer responsibilities, and the main issue is no legal difficulties.

Although, dating someone and having someone in the house 24×7 is a very different experience. With a constant company in the house, the living partners may feel the lack of space and me-time in their lives. This cramped feeling could lead to a bitter break-up.

Before a couple approaches their relationship also decides whether or not their relationship breaks down, they must try and understand the ways to heal the there broken relationship.

Many people see value in themselves in the context of an external measuring stick: a good relationship, a happy family. But they forgot what they should stick to is being internally happy i.e. Self-care, It is all about doing things doing what brings you rest and doing what brings your life. For example, doing things like putting puzzles together, reading or having a deep conversation can give rest while something as simple as taking a walk brings together.

Self-care can also include, capturing negative thoughts and test them with truth, breathing deeply to relax. Self-care doesn’t mean being selfish and stealing time from your spouse. Instead, good self-care refreshes you so that when you and your spouse connect, you can give him or her the time and attention needed to strengthen your marriage.

Whereas, people who give up completely for someone else will eventually resent the other person, while the other person may very well expect that their partner will always be there for them, doing something for them. Feelings of anxiety can begin to bubble up as you realize that youre always doing something for others, with little in return. Left unchecked, those resentments can build-up to the point where you end up having arguments about things that dont even matter just because you need to take a stand on something, anything. These irrational positions are just the beginning of a breakdown in communication between two people, which, if not checked, can become toxic.

Many people assume that the love of another person is all about a happy relationship, or marriage advice is only assured as soon as a connection reaches rocky shores. Both of these traditional beliefs are false: it takes work to create a romantic relationship and experience, whereas marital therapy will help even when things seem to be going well.


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