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Know the way to manage your stress

Know the way to manage your stress

Last Updated: 21-3-2025

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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In simple terms, stress is an extremely natural physical or mental response that one has when faced with day-to-day life demands and challenges. Since it can arise from both internal as well as external factors, understanding the origin of the stress that you feel, can prove to be extremely rewarding for your mental well-being and help you figure out ways on how to reduce stress.ย 

Following are some of the main external stress triggers :ย 

  1. Work-ย  Some of the most common stress triggers found in employees are seen to be high workload, substandard work-life balance, job insecurities and conflict among employees.ย 

  2. Finance- Situations such as income instability or losing a job may create a sense of worry that seems never-ending.

  1. Relationship -ย  Tensions arising from conflicts with friends, partners, family, as well as other life challenges like caregiving or divorce may contribute to psychological stress.

  2. Environment - Overcrowding, noisey and living in unsafe conditions can also contribute to heightened levels of stress.

Following are some of the main internal stress triggers :ย 

  1. Unrealistic expectations: People often set unreasonably high standards for themselves, mostly to feel like they belong or be liked by people they think highly. These standards create aย  fear of failure that can create anxiety and frustration.

  2. Negative Self-Talk: Constantly berating,ย  second-guessing and criticizing yourself can take a toll on your mental well-being by reinforcing a sense of worthlessness.

  3. Uncertainty: Always being fearful of the outcomes of the future or decision-making may lead to significant stress

Genetic predisposition, for instance, sensitivity to elevated levels of cortisol, can play a vital role in making one more susceptible to stress. Apart from these biological stress triggers, experiences of traumatic events as well as different mental health conditions such as personality disorders, depression, anxiety etc. can also heighten the vulnerability to worry and stressย 

Pressures from family and society to live up to their expectations around wealth, appearance, success and social comparison, may cause acute stress. The media and social networks amplify these pressures, causing individuals to feel inadequate or overwhelmed by unrealistic standards.

Mindfulness and Meditation as relaxation methods for stress reliefย 

Mindfulness means being wholly present and engaged in observing our thoughts, bodily sensations and emotions taking place in the current moment,unaccompanied by judgment. It can be practiced during day-to-day activities. The latter is a more structured approach to achieving a fruitful state of mind and awareness, compared to mindfulness. It s a practice of centering all your focus on your mind and calming your body in order to attain a state of tranquility, providing an efficient way to learn how to reduce stress.ย 

However, such practices are often used as complementary stress management techniques to regulate various pressures faced in real life such as below average work-life balance, social comparison, anxiety etc. by facilitating enhanced awareness, peace of mind and acceptance. Incorporating these in your lifestyle will provide healthy ways to cope with stress.

Following are two of the most widely used mindfulness and meditation stress management techniques:ย 

Body Scan Meditation:

  • Sit or lie down comfortably in a space that is quiet and close your eyes.

  • Take a few deep and gentle breaths

  • Concentrate on each part of your body, starting from your feet and slowly moving upwards to your body (toes => legs => stomach => chest, etc.).

  • As you try to focus on each body part, pay attention to different sensations such as tension, warmth or discomfort by observing without any judgment.

  • Once you reach the topmost part of the body i.e., the head, you can take a moment to observe your entire body and gently open your eyes.

Mindful Breathing:

  • Get comfortable by sitting in a relaxed posture with your back straight, your eyes closed and your hands on your lap.ย 

  • Pay attention to your breath entering and leaving your nostrils.

  • Try not to control your breathing and focus only on observing the natural rhythm of your rising and falling chest and abdomen.

  • Try staying with your breath for a few minutes, developing a sense of calm and existence

Tips to manage stress effectively: Exercise and Physical Activity

Whether itโ€™s cycling, swimming, running or even walking, exercise is a doctor-approved method to reduce feelings of anxiety, worry etc. and therefore known as one of the most healthy ways to cope with stress.It helps with the release of endorphins, natural mood boosters in charge of facilitating relaxation.ย  It also offers a productive way to tackle stress as it allows you to focus on your body instead of the stress triggers in your life.Not only does it improve cardiovascular health, but also encourages the release of tension in your body.For the ones who struggle with work-life balance,discovering a physical activity that suits one s needs can be life-changing.

Norris and colleagues (1992) aimed at determining whether physical activity has an impact on our mental well-being. In order to explore this hypothesis, one hundred and forty seven adolescents were asked to complete self-reports on their habits related to exercise as well as stress and psychological well-being. The results revealed that adolescents who frequently engaged themselves in physical activity of higher levels reported lower levels of stress as well as a significant decrease in symptoms of depression.ย 

Tips to manage stress effectively: Time Managementย 

One of the most prominent tips to manage stress effectively is time management. When your day is well-thought out, you lower the feeling of being burdened by tasks. One important way to do this is by prioritizing work as well as daily chores based on importance instead of urgency. Learning stress management techniques such as better time allocation,ย  helps you prevent the burnout resulting from inadequate planning. Breaking down bigger tasks into smaller ones is a more achievable step to reduce feelings of worry.

It also includes setting goals and deadlines that are feasible and realistic. Be sure to allot time for break as well as relaxation methods for stress relief in order to help you recharge, reducing all the stress triggers linked with lack of rest. Additionally, practicing self-care for stress relief is the need of the hour. Allocating some me-time into your calendar can be just as important as scheduling work meetings. Utilizing tools like to-do lists and time-tracking apps can help you deal with your responsibilities smoothly. Managing your time better helps cultivate a sense of control in you.

Tips to manage stress effectively: Social Supportย 

Building strong emotional connections with family, colleagues, friends etc., is among the healthiest ways to cope with stress. Talking through the stress triggers with a person you trust, not only offers emotional relief but also assists you in gaining new perspectives about the situation you are facing.ย  Having a strong support system is important when it comes to reducing isolation as well as feelings of anxiety. Engaging in healthy interpersonal interactions and shared experiences may provide a distraction from stress. If you find yourself dealing with extremely stressful situations,ย  make it a priority to reach out to the ones you trust, for help. Whether itโ€™s a catch-up, a phone call or a cozy evening with loved ones, these moments of bonding are pivotal.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

CBT, being one of the most widely used stress management techniques, helps you learn cognitive restructuring, which deals with reframing your responses to stress triggers in a more optimistic view. Therapists using this technique, help their client sufficiently manage their emotional reactions to situations instead of merely reacting to them. By identifying these thoughts, such as perfectionism or catastrophizing, the clients become better equipped to deal with stress on a daily basis. Additionally, it also encourages problem-solving techniques, helping you break down complex situations into smaller, more manageable steps. Self-care for stress relief becomes effortless and convenient as you develop and inculcate new coping strategies in your lives.ย 

Relaxation methods for stress relief: Breathing and Progressive Muscle Relaxationย 

By focusing on gentle, slow and deep breaths, your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is activated which is in charge of countering the fight-or-flight response. PMR, on the other hand, involves step by step tensing as well as relaxing of the muscles in your body. Incorporating these into your self-care for stress relief will help you in becoming more adaptable in the face of stress triggers. Practicing deep and gentle breathing during the day, even if it is a busy one, or dedicating a good amount of time to PMR before you go to sleep, will drastically improve both your physical and mental well-being.

Self-care for stress relief: Sleepย 

Sleep is usually one of the first to be disrupted when stress strikes. Getting quality rest every day is one of the many healthy ways to cope with stress. Sleep deficiency may lead to poor decision-making, impatience etc., which in turn elevates stress. Healthy ways to cope with stress includes focusing on the amount of sleep you receive in a day as part of a wider self-care routine. Integrating techniques such as mindfulness and trying to limit your screen-time before you go to bed are useful ways to enrich your sleep and reduce stress.

Nutrition and Stress Management

Dietary plans play a vital role in how effectively you are able to manage your stress. The type of food content you take in on a daily basis, can either increase your stress response or help you adequately cope with stressful situations. For instance, a diet plan which includes consumption of high amounts of caffeine, refined sugar as well as unhealthy fats, may trigger spikes in a stress hormone called cortisol. Ample amount of researchers have found that Vitamin B, antioxidants as well as magnesium helpย  reduce the bodyโ€™s stress response by regulating your mood and lower the feelings of anxiety, further enhancing your mental well-beingย 

Takeda and others (2004) conducted a systematic review wherein they aimed at examining the association between nutrition and stress, revealing that when a person is exposed to prolonged stress, it may lead to disturbances in homeostatic mechanisms, promoting the onset of mental health concerns such as depression. It was also noted that fruits and vegetables rich with antioxidants may facilitate better cognitive function, implying that our diet can play a vital role in self-care for stress relief. Overall, these results promote the importance of how to reduce stress through a well-balanced and nutrition-filled diet.

Developing Emotional Intelligenceย  and Resilience

Emotional intelligence helps you by becoming more aware of your emotional responses by understanding, recognizing and managing the feelings and emotions that you are experiencing. Developing resilience, on the other hand, is mainly concerned with amplifying your coping techniques and cultivating a mindset that is positive.ย 

Tips to manage stress effectively also include not shying away from seeking help when in need and centering your focus on your strengths.ย  By instilling these in your lifestyle, you can cope with stress in a healthy and constructive way, strengthening your capacity to manage your stress.




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  • Selye, H. (1980). The stress concept today. In I. L. Dutash & L. B. Schlesinger (Eds.), Handbook of Stress and Anxiety (pp. 127-143). Jossey-Bass.

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