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Know Why Self Care Is Not Selfish

Know Why Self Care Is Not Selfish

Last Updated: 23-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Is Self-care selfish?

Parents tend to teach their children to be kind, emphase the importance of sharing and also put otherโ€™s needs before theirs. Generally, young children exhibit self-centered behaviors that are usually considered as selfish.ย 

However, if parents, along with the social graces, also show them that taking care of oneself and putting oneโ€™s own needs ahead too, is not selfish (Glazer & Clark-Foster, 2019), it would make a huge difference in peopleโ€™s lives.ย 

One of the most common myths about self-care is the belief that prioritizing oneโ€™s own needs isย  selfish. There is a widespread fear among people that if they look out for themselves, it drives them off their responsibilities.ย 

However, do you know whats interesting? A study mentioned that, if a person engages in self-care, they become more capable in taking care of others, therefore, it is interdependent in nature (Parker-Pope, 2021).ย 

Self-care means that a person prioritises their own well-being particular during stressful situations.

Self-care is the practice we engage in, to nurture our physical, mental and emotional health (American Psychological Association, 2023). Itย  is a continuous process. Self-care helps in:

  • Building well-being

  • Planning and preparing

  • Working through issues of life

  • Coping with stress

  • Accomplishing a fulfilling life.ย 

Thus, the significance of self-care lies in not just pampering oneself, it focuses more on enhancing oneโ€™s overall quality of life by taking some pro-active steps.ย ย 

Dimensions of self-care

Self-care has five dimensions, these are dynamic in nature and this helps to indulge self-care more practically.

Physical self-care

Physical care means enganing in activities that promotes overall wellbeing of a person. The following will help in maintaining good physical health.

  • Engage in regular exercise

  • Eat nutrient dense food

  • Have appropriate sleep patternsย ย 

Emotional self-careย 

Emotional health is built one needs to engage in activities that support positive mindset. This requires to be in charge of our emotions and not the vice versa, have the ability to feel and process our feelings and treat oneself with kindness, mindfulness and acceptance, which in turn will help in developing positive emotional self-care.ย ย 

Mental self-care

Mental self-care is keeping the mind at work by stimulating it through activities that encourage knowledge and continual learning.ย  Below are ways of incorporating mental self-care:

  • Reading books
  • Learning a new skillย 
  • Practicing meditation.ย ย 
  • Emotional regulation
  • Maintaining boundaries

Social self-care

Social self care is focusing on those connections that one makes with people throughout their lives. Limiting boundaries with the ones that are toxic and maintaining meaningful relationships with loved ones is vital for emotional support and helps in building a sense of belonging.ย 

Spiritual self-care

This involves services that offers individuals to connect with something that is greater than themselves which in turn helps them to get connected with their spiritual life. This can come from religion, nature or personal reflection. Examples of this may include, attending prayers at worship places or house, practicing yoga or meditation or just simply spending time in nature.ย ย 

Benefits of self-careย 

Improve physical health

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the choices that a person makes every day directly have an impact on oneโ€™s health and choosing a good life style by prioritizing self-care will result in better health outcomes (CDC, 2021).ย 

For example, occupying oneself in regular physical activity, eating healthy and getting proper sleep will contribute to improved and good physical health and can avoid risks of diabetes, cancers and heart diseases.ย ย ย 

Strengthen mental health

Research shows that there is a significant drop in the levels of stress and depression and higher quality of life, when a person engages in self-care practices (Ayala, Winseman, Johnsen, Hyancinth & Mason, 2018).ย 

Moreover, these practices help individuals to become resilient, build a healthier and a stronger relationship with themselves, which will allow them to have a positive coping mechanisms in dealing with challenges and setbacks, more effectively.ย ย 

Enhanced productivity and creativity

People usually believe that looking out for oneself will result in less productivity but in contrary studies reveal that there is an increase in creativity levels in employees and are more productive when they engage in self-care activities or at least take regular breaks (American Psychological Association, 2016).ย 

In addition, a study conducted by Ariga and Lleras (2011) revealed that taking breaks during work helps in restoring mental resources by allowing the mind to recharge . It also increases attention span, improved cognitive function, efficiency of the work and hence, overall productivity.ย 

Thus, these findings suggest that practicing self-care can lead to better performance at work or at home.ย ย ย 

Stronger relationships

When we occupy ourselves in self-care activities, it also helps us in improving and building a healthy relationship with others. If we put ourselves first, it helps us to connect with people on a better level and provide them support.ย 

Research shows that, individuals who engage in self-care practices are more likely to maintain healthier boundaries in their personal and professional lives (Rein et al., 2018).ย 

They are comfortable saying no to situations which would drain their time or energy and are able to delegate tasks efficiently. This will result in strengthening the relationships and make it more fulfilling with family, friends, and colleagues.ย 


Embracing self-care should be an important part of our lives. By maintaining it, people can bring positive changes in their mental and physical health, enhance their relationship with others and contribute to overall well-being.ย 

Additionally, we can try to be generous and show compassion to others without negating our own needs, hence, drawing a line between selfishness and selflessness.ย 

We live in a world where people are always caught up in the busyness of life, letโ€™s take a moment to realize and take time to take care for ourselves which is not only beneficial for us but also for those whom we love and care for. To incorporate self-care in our lives, it does not need to be time consuming, difficult or challenging.ย 

Always start with small goals, try and experiment with various practices and it is important to understand what our mind and body needs. Hence, selfishness is not an act of selfishness, moreover placing it as your priority will create a foundation for a healthier and balanced life.ย ย 




  • Ariga, A., & Lleras, A. (2011). The break advantage: Interruptions increase task performance and creativity. Psychological Science, 22(7), 964โ€“968.ย 

  • American Psychological Association. (2016). Workplace stress: The role of work-life balance.ย 

  • Ayala, E. E., Winseman, J. S., Johnsen, R. D., & Mason, H. R. C. (2018). U.S. medical students who engage in self-care report less stress and higher quality of life. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 189.

  • Glazer, H. R., & Clark-Foster, M. D. (Eds.). (2019). Understanding the journey: A lifespan approach to working with grieving people. Routledge.ย 

  • Parker-Pope, T. (2021). Why self-care isn t selfish. The New York Times.ย 

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