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Learning Disorders: Expert Guidance on Diagnosis & Support

Learning Disorders: Expert Guidance on Diagnosis & Support

Last Updated: 12-05-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Learning is the process of imbibing something relatively simple and progressing into understanding more complex tasks. In its essence, learning involves the integration of information using different senses.

Learning disabilities or disorders (LD) are not an issue of intelligence or zeal. Rather, issues in learning have a neurological basis that has become the focus of research for over two decades or more. They affect the reception, assimilation, or application of information and relate to the following:

  • Getting information into the brain (Input)
  • Making sense of this information (Organization)
  • Storing and retrieving information (Memory)
  • Getting information back out (Output)

Definition and Types of Learning Disability:

According to the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), the focus on learning disorders in research and education in India is a recent development as compared to Western countries. Nevertheless, strides in the assessment and management of LDs have led to the following Federal definition by the U.S. Government in Public Law 94-142 of learning disabilities to be adopted in India:

“Specific Learning Disabilities means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, spell or to do mathematical calculation..”

An important factor to consider is that a person with a learning disorder has adequate intelligence scores. Thorough consideration must be given to the level of instruction and stimulation received. Thus, if someone who hasn’t been to school or has not been engaged appropriately has difficulties in learning material, then LD is not an obvious diagnosis.  Another factor that requires attention is the sociological and cultural influences that play a part in learning, such as those found in a multilingual society like India.

  • Dyslexia (difficulty in reading): Dyslexia involves issues in different forms of language as well as problems in reading.
  • Dysgraphia (difficulty in writing): Dysgraphia includes difficulties in copying text, or maintaining neatness, and writing appropriately for the given age group.
  • Dyscalculia (difficulty in numbers and mathematical concepts): Dyscalculia involves issues in the recognition and alignment of numbers, and grasping abstract material.
  • Dysnomia (difficulty in naming): Dysnomia refers to issues in finding and selecting words, attempts to use synonyms instead of the words intended to be applied, etc.
  • Dysphasia/Aphasia (expressive language difficulty): Dysphasia includes difficulties in verbal expression and perception of what others communicate.


Diagnosis and Assessment Procedures:

Each of the LDs described above has specific diagnostic criteria for each. Only a thorough and formal diagnosis by a professional trained for the same can be considered valid. Professionals that work in the field of assessing and managing LDs include clinical psychologists, school psychologists, child psychiatrists, educational psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech and language therapists.


Assessment for LDs mostly includes:

  • Detailed clinical history (from the child, family, teachers, etc.)
  • Testing for Potential: Performance Discrepancy
  • Testing Processing Abilities


Interventions for LDs:

Intervention modalities that are often adopted include:

  • Focusing on language development
  • Focusing on phonological nuances
  • Focusing on multi-sensory teaching: the use of various divergent modes of learning, like for example blackboard teaching in tandem with using digital learning resources.

In addition to these interventions, special consideration is also recommended for psychological and social issues ensuing from LD’s. For example, self-esteem issues, social relationship difficulties, etc.


Special Considerations:

In a multilingual and diverse educational setup such as the one in India, steps are being taken to ensure that educational policies include considerations for children with LD’s and enforce uniform schemes for their remediation. A recent development in this arena was brought through the National Curriculum Framework (2005), and initiatives under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan amongst other independent efforts by NGOs and organizations. However, significant measures are still required and are under process both in India and worldwide.


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