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Maintaining resilience at uncertain times

Maintaining resilience at uncertain times

Last Updated: 31-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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We are all concerned about COVID-19 the illness and its impacts, and the volume of information regarding it makes us feel more uncertain at times. We are keeping a distance from our loved ones, who bring such strength and love to our lives just because we all know this social distancing is crucial at this moment - It is saving lives.

In this situation, if you find that your stress or anxiety levels are escalating. Therefore, you should know that this is a normal reaction. In the face of the global pandemic of COVID-19, it is natural to feel that you have very little control over your emotions, as we all face implications for our personal and family safety. You may or may not be aware of this, but you have coping mechanisms that will help you manage these stressful situations. You can control your thoughts, your emotions, and your reactions. By understanding that you have control over how you respond, you can help yourself become more resilient in a difficult or uncertain time.

Here are some other examples of healthy ways to strengthen your resilience in these crucial times:

  • Attending online stress management classes like yoga
  • Playing on athletic or recreation teams
  • Listening to music you enjoy or going dancing
  • Planting and tending your own garden or a community garden
  • Keeping a journal, especially around anniversary dates
  • Volunteering in your community
  • Attending self-help and support groups online
  • Visiting elderly community residents who may need to be checked in on
  • Help others in need rather than feeling stressed, use the energy to help others in need
  • Connect to family and friends online
  • Pay attention to the close relationships in your life.
  • Be sure to take the time to nurture your relationships with family and friends via internet connectivity /telecommunication etc
  • Enjoy activities and hobbies
  • Focus on activities and hobbies that give you a sense of hope and a sense of security
  • In addition, limiting your exposure to media coverage and coronavirus-related news might help to reduce the stress you feel day to day
  • Building a network of connections will allow you and others in your community to support each other in these times of need

Visit HopeQure for online stress counseling. If you are looking for other resources to help right now, you might want to read some of our other blogs.


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