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5 precious tips to help you maintain emotional balance

5 precious tips to help you maintain emotional balance

Last Updated: 15-02-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Most of us tend to avoid both physical and emotional pain. As our optimistic thinking assures us that, it will not affect us if we succeed in avoiding the pain. After all, who like to bear the pain?

Although efforts to avoid these painful memories, emotions, and physical sensations can give us brief relaxation, eventually it just extends the experiences and worsens their related misery. To stop things from getting worsen we must understand that if we do not allow ourselves to experience our feelings as they evolve by avoiding or suppressing them it will eventually lead to being emotionally imbalanced.

Developing emotional balance starts at the core of emotional intelligence with a strong basis of self-awareness. Self-awareness helps us to understand how we feel and how our feelings affect every part of our lives. In other words, emotional balance teaches us how to respond without being trapped in negative feelings and thinking. It also helps to improve the quality of sleep, attention, awareness, motivation, and gladness it is important to learn and use this.

There are some tips to help you build and maintain emotional balance;

Identify the emotion
Focus on what exactly you are feeling and how it is affecting your body. Close your eyes and try to find out which part of your body you feel discomfort, might be helpful. Describe the emotion with words: be prepared to admit, "I am nervous," or "I feel sad." This will help you step back from your automatic reaction and respond more consciously.

Learn distress tolerance
Tolerance to distress means acknowledging discomfort and learning how to handle the pain. It increases your coping potential but it does not mean you cannot adjust things to embrace; it helps you build a way to solve the problem. Practices of mindfulness such as mindful breathing and listening may help to increase your tolerance skills for distress.

Take a deep breath
Often it is important to breathe deeply when you are hyperactive or stressed. Deep breathing will assist you in calming yourself and reconnecting. The goal is to take ten breaths a minute; Of course, you cannot do it all at once. You could take up to 30 breaths per minute if you are already upset. Practising and concentrating on it is critical.

Maintain exercise routine
Each physical movement helps! You do not have to run a marathon, sometimes the only thing you need is a stretching exercise or taking a little walk. The main thing is you should make exercise a thing of your everyday routine; it also increases your strength and attention levels along with other health benefits.

Be good to yourself
Sometimes, you need to communicate with the whole of yourself. If you are not taking care of yourself, you are sacrificing the energy you need to maintain emotional health and wellness. It can be hard to accept yourself and treat yourself with respect. If you find it tough, then go to the people alongside you who are all there. Seek out the people who are willing to help e.g. friends, family, or mental health professionals in the worst scenario always there to help you. They can make the tension and anxiety easier to lighten.

Always remember, the secret to emotional balance is being aware of your emotions. It is a practice that needs time and experience!


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