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Quarantine can be Quality time

Quarantine can be Quality time

Last Updated: 13-01-2023

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Written by :

Ms.Shubhangi Bhargava
Counselling Psychologist

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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It’s all about the right perspective. Quarantine or Quality time?  Choose for yourself.

We crib for a whole year saying I don’t have time to clean my room or cupboard, to learn a new language or new dish and most importantly our busy life has kept us away from our close ones.

How about turning this quarantine into a quality time with those we share roofs but have forgotten to share views? Here is a list of things you can do to have fun with your family.

  • Plan finances or learn about taxes from your dad.
  • Learn the life skill of cooking from your mom.
  • Sit together through a telecast of mythological stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata on the National channel.
  • Cook together or at least have meals together.
  • Take out old picture albums and listen to the story/memories behind that picture.
  • You can together practice Yoga and other forms of exercise based on preference.
  • Guide younger siblings/nephews with academics or online assignments.
  • You can play board games like Chess, Ludo, Carom, and UNO with your family.
  • Make your parents or grandparents technology friendly. Listen to and solve their queries about how to add friends on Facebook or send a picture on Whatsapp.
  • Turn your home into a theatre. Make popcorn and watch a family movie together.
  • Enjoy drawing room conversations about your childhood with your family.
  • Listen to each other. Support and motivate each other. Keep reminding that ‘we are in this together’.

Let’s try to change our perspective and be a little more optimistic about the current scenario. The quarantine cannot be that bad since it is giving you time and space from your routine to be closer to your loved ones. No matter what you choose to do, keep practising healthy hygiene and stay safe. In case you wish to get in touch with an online psychologist, contact HopeQure. 


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