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Red flags in a relationship

Red flags in a relationship

Last Updated: 31-03-2023

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

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Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Relationships are confounded, so it bodes well that a few alleged issues ought to be disregarded, however, a few idiosyncrasies are such brilliant warnings fluttering brutally in the breeze that they basically should be recognized. Regardless of whether that implies cooperating on a trade-off or tolerating that an individual is only all wrong for you, here are some cautioning signs to be watching out for.

Unrealistic expectations- As humans, we have to give and take relationships. None of our connections can be selfless after a certain point. But is your partner expecting too much? Is he/she always have something or other to complain about? Are you pushing your limits to carry the relationship? If the answer to most of the prior questions is yes, it is time to rethink your present relationship.

Uneven power dynamics- Relationships are about teamwork, both partners shall be equally contributing. However, if you feel your partner is dominant over you now and then or is influencing your decisions. You often feel stressed about how he/she will react or you are answerable to him,/her for everything. Then your relationship is likely to have imbalanced power dynamics.

Indifferent goals- You and your partner are two different individuals thus there is a likeliness of difference in personalities, opinions, choices, and even goals. But once you decide to commit to each other despite having discrepancies in goals or sometimes having opposite future goals or approaches to life might be threatening to the relationship.

Violation of boundaries- As a living being, you have the right to determine who holds which place in your life or the value of your relationships. However, it is important to recognize whether or not you can let your partner violate your boundaries be it physical or emotional.

Lack of personal space- Nobody... mind it nobody has the right to hamper your personal space in any circumstance. No matter how vague it may sound it is always your choice who you give your time and space to. It is not always necessary to stick to your partner. We all need time and space for self, work and other significant people in life.

Lack of communication- Communication is the key to resolving every issue be it big or small. Not having an open, clear and honest discussion with your partner is the worst you can do to the one you love.

Absence of trust- Trust is the ground of any successful relationship. Lacking trust in your relationship due to past experiences or any other reason for that matter can be a huge reason for differences. Most of the time you will keep yourself busy in spying and keeping a check on what your partner is up to, it might become suffocating for him/her and negatively wound the relationship.

Discrepancy in sex drive- Sexual activities are a vital part of any relationship. Though it is very common to have a difference in preferences and drives when it comes to intimacy. Your partner shall not force you into any that you are not comfortable with and shall respect your consent. If not ding! Then maybe it#39s time to leave.

Self-betrayal- Do you become a completely different individual as and when you are around your partner? Then it's an alarm! Not being able to be your true self or having a fear that your partner would not like or appreciate your honest side is affecting your mental health. Be your true self even if it is not likeable for him/her

Inability to understand the love language Gary Chapman talked about the concept of 5 love languages (you may expect to read about the same in our future article). The idea is basically to understand your partner's language of love and love them that way instead of loving them in your language.

Breakups do not always have to be harsh or brutal if you and your partner do not feel that you ca not reciprocate your feelings, there is no point in suffering in silence. Communicate things to your partner, involve a neutral third party, and approach a relationship counsellor.


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