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Relationships: How counselling can help?

Relationships: How counselling can help?

Last Updated: 24-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Given that we are social animals, having healthy relationships is crucial to our ability to function properly. Strong and healthy relationships give us joy and support us in every other area of our lives, but maintaining them also presents significant challenges. Counseling in relationships can help people with their relationship issues or just make their relationships healthier.

We feel fulfilled by our relationships with family, love, and friends. For a long-term relationship to be stable, it takes time, effort, and skills from both sides. Lasting relationships require mutual effort. Therefore, it is suggested for couples to seek professional assistance when issues arise in a relationship. And to take the relationship to the next level with the support and assistance of a professional therapist.

Relationship counselling helps with the following:

  • Improve self-awareness
  • Understand each other’s needs
  • Learn your partner’s problems
  • Anger management
  • Improve Listening skills
  • Build Decision-making skills
  • Conflict management
  • Empathy towards belief and values

No two relationships can be the same. All are different and special in their ways. However, there are a few aspects that are a must in all relationships and are effective if reciprocated equally. They are:


Good and effective communication is key to any lasting fruitful relationship. This is an effort that helps to make the relationship richer.


Awareness about your partner helps you work on their needs. Issues develop if you and your partner are unaware of what you want and need and build negative thoughts and emotions.


We know that the amount of respect you give will be returned in kind, and vice versa. When there is mutual respect the couple becomes stronger. 


Trust is the foundation of all relationships. If partners do not trust each other 100%, several issues arise and do not allow the relationship to move forward.

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Role of counseling in relationships

Therapy is a safe space to share all your thoughts and feelings without being judged. Often relationship counseling is done with partners attending the session with a counselor. This helps them understand their needs and thoughts in more depth.

Counseling helps couples/ partners to develop skills of decision-making, behavioral management, and time management to help bring out the best in their relationships. Counselors give couples/partners homework in terms of communication, understanding, and valuing many aspects of their relationship for overcoming conflicts and smooth growth.

Counselors may ask each partner individually for some sessions to provide a private space for you to express yourself freely. The counselor then guides them personally on their respective problems. You can stay assured that the therapist will never share one partner’s issues with the other.

In relationship therapy, both individuals grow on different aspects and open substantial room for their relationship to heal and flourish. Many conflicts are resolved, many relationships become stronger than before, and the couple/partners prosper positively.

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