We are flooded with guidelines to practice healthy hygiene via various platforms including news channels or the internet. From social distancing to washing hands thoroughly for twenty seconds, from respiratory hygiene to using alcohol-based sanitiser after touching anything and the list is so on. Both central and state governments are working in order to sanitize localities, states and gradually the whole nation. But we are ignoring something very important. Yes, that is our Mental Health.
The ongoing pandemic threat has caused:
- The basic mindset of humans to switch from “living” to “survival”, creating a situation of existential crisis.
- Leading to increased health-related anxiety.
- As a precaution one has to keep repeating behaviours (like washing hands or sanitizing), which may lead to the development of OCD traits.
- The Global economy to go down, hence decreasing job and financial security, establishing a depressive trend globally.
- Fear of losing loved ones has triggered feelings of hopelessness and despair.
- Quarantine is a form of social withdrawal and therefore induces feelings of loneliness among people.
- Those in abusive relationships/ bad marriages are stuck which can be dangerous for their emotional as well as physical wellness.
- Increase in number of cases of domestic violence.
- Social comparison via social networking is suffocating. It is good to spend your free time doing something productive or learning a new skill. However, it should come from within and not as a result of social pressure or buzz around.
- Internet addiction, binge-watching Netflix or Prime and gaming addiction.
The above psychological threats make, SANE-ITIZATION -the need of the hour.
Following are key points to follow in order to stay sane.
- Avoid over-exposure to information and restrict your news or media intake.
- Do not analyse the situation.
- Turn your quarantine into quality time with family.
- Follow a pre-set routine and avoid spoiling your sleep-wake cycle.
- Keep checking with your family and friends living away via phone or video call.
- Remind yourself staying still for a while (indoors) is much better than becoming still forever (infected or dead).
- Engage in hobbies and self-care practices.
- Limit your screen time even for entertainment purposes. Try to avoid binge-watching shows or web series or playing online games for unaccounted hours.
- Maintaining hygiene is quite essential. However, excess cleaning of self and surroundings should be avoided.
Sane-itize and disinfect your mind from the virus.
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