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Say No To Domestic Violence

Say No To Domestic Violence

Last Updated: 20-07-2022

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Domestic violence is already one of the rarely discussed topics openly. Its ugly side is coming out widely during this forced lockdown period to avoid the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease), the people who have been experiencing domestic violence have been stuck at home leaving no option for them.

Domestic violence cases have risen since the lockdown began. The lockdown has become a trap for women and children with abusers. With mobility restrictions, victims are unable to find assistance in fleeing their abusers, who are now 24 hours a day in isolation with their abusers.

Domestic abuse is not just physical assault. It is an action that seeks to obtain power and control over a parent, husband, girl/boy or intimate member of the family. Abuse is experienced, not because of rage, mental illness, narcotics, alcohol or other reason. All these are just excuses.

Anyone can be a victim of an individual who is a victim of violence, regardless of their age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender or religion. Domestic violence also referred to as intimate partner violence, domestic abuse or abuse of a relationship, can affect people of all socio-economic backgrounds and levels of education. This occurs when a partner uses a behaviour pattern to maintain a controlled relationship with another partner. And while there are various signs of an individual being exploited, it is crucial to decide whether the issue is part of a larger continuum of abuse.

Although domestic abuse can affect couples of all races, religions, social-economic status and sexual orientations, risk factors for men or women becoming victims or abusers mostly include poverty, lack of high school education, witnessing family violence as a child, low self-esteem, and attitudes of male domination and substance abuse, particularly alcohol abuse.

Forms of domestic violence

The following are forms of domestic violence:

  • child abuse
  • senior abuse
  • honour-based violence such as honour killings, female genital mutilation, and forced marriage;
  • all forms of abuse by an intimate partner or former intimate partner, including psychological abuse and stalking

Here are some warning signs of being in an abusive relationship to look out for:

Emotional abuse
Your partner can cause you to hate, threaten or say you are useless or incompetent. He/she may be offended.
Physical abuse
Your partner may hit you, threaten you, ill-treat you
They may want your phone, computer password, access to financial details, and stop your friends and family from visiting you and watching what you are wearing and doing.
They might track your phone, follow your car, or when you don't want to show up at work or home.
Financial control
Your partner can take your money, ask for control of your joint bank account, or criticize your spending unreasonably.
They can try to frighten you or look at you constantly in cold ways.

All the above-stated points are just a few signs majorly causing domestic violence, don’t compulsorily define domestic abuse.

Also, it has been seen that people with domestic violence or harassment are drastically more likely to have multiple disorders of mental well-being, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, misuse of drugs and suicide.
Even Persons dealing with mental illness may have undergone some form of trauma (either during infancy or adulthood), such as physical or sexual assault. Domestic abuse can hurt a survivor's physical and mental status. Domestic violence and/or other severe types of abuse also leads to panic attack, post-traumatic stress disorder, drug abuse, depression, and anxiety.

Remember that it’s always important to talk anyone can never hurt you or try to hurt you, it is never ok. The best thing you can do in this situation is to get help with planning a path to security. You can take the help of counsellors and other professionals in the field for better understanding and cope up with all the issues.

It is disheartening that our society frequently neglects or ignores mental health problems, and often pressures survivors from emotional and psychological violence.


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