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School or college shut down due to COVID19 can be made productive

School or college shut down due to COVID19 can be made productive

Last Updated: 31-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Grown-ups can be given guidelines on the most proficient method to forestall individual- to-individual transmission and can be depended upon to adhere to those directions to fluctuating degrees, however, it s practically difficult to get children, particularly more young ones, to do as such. With the idea of preventing children from the coronavirus, school and colleges are shut, classes are called off or switched to online mode.
Since most of the exams are canceled or postponed there is a lot of free time for children and concerns of parents. Here is a list of activities that can be encouraged and enjoyed during this time.

  • Start meditation, since you always wanted to!
  • Call/ text/ video call old and long lost friends.
  • Reading never goes waste, this is the time you can begin with the novel you have put on hold.
  • You can play board games like Chess, Ludo, UNO with your family.
  • Enjoy drawing-room conversations about your childhood with your family.
  • Its the right time to start a new hobby, singing/ dancing.
  • Unleash the artist in you, try hands-on drawing, painting.
  • Watch the much-awaited Science fiction movies.
  • Re-watch your favorite marvel movie collection.
  • Try your hands in cooking or helping your mom in the kitchen.
  • Maybe its the right time to start your kitchen-garden and go organic.
  • Home work-out? sounds fun you may try Zumba, aerobics or bhangra.
  • Love to eat chocolates? How about making one on your own!
  • Missing the afternoon naps? You may have ample of it now.
  • Always wanted to start journaling, never had the time? Now you can.

Lets try and be optimistic about the scenario. Quarantine is not that bad since it is giving you time and space from your routine to do activities that you keep postponing. No matter what you choose to do, keep practicing healthy hygiene and stay safe. Get in touch with an online psychologist at HopeQure. 


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