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Signs you are dating a narcissist

Signs you are dating a narcissist

Last Updated: 12-05-2023

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

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Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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We tend to usually call people narcissists if they keep themselves first or talk a lot about themselves in social gatherings. An actual narcissist is someone with a mental health condition of narcissistic personality disorder. Some clearly notable characteristics of narcissistic people are:

  • They have an inflated worth of themselves
  • They do not make other people their priority
  • They are constantly playing the victim.
  • They are not empathetic towards fellow beings.
  • They have poor social skills.
  • They have a fragile ego.
  • They have a lack of shame.
  • They constantly require attention and affection
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Are you wondering if your partner is a narcissist? Here are a few points to look out for.

When they initially approached you, they must have been soft and highly appreciative of you in the beginning. Narcissists think they are deserving of those people who are extraordinary because they assume those extraordinary people are the ones who can be entirely appreciative of them.

What narcissists love to do is think highly of themselves all the time. They can go on and on about talking about their success lavishly. They do this to become more self-assured and hold a sense of betterment compared to other people. In order to win adulation from others, narcissists would often overstate their successes and enhance their talents in these stories. They are also too preoccupied with themselves to pay attention to you. This is a two-part warning. Your companion will not stop talking about themselves, and he or she will not engage in discourse about you.

Narcissists have listening issues. As they enjoy talking and hearing about themselves, they do not give importance to listening to their partner’s matters.

They have no empathy or sympathy for you or anyone else around them and they don t care about how their actions affect others, it doesn t affect them negatively in any way, shape, or form. Because they do not understand the notion of feelings, narcissists are unable to make you feel seen, validated, understood, or accepted.

Narcissists may appear to be extremely self-assured. The majority of people with NPD have low self-esteem. Narcissists rely on other people, usually empathetic individuals to give them a sense of self-worth and make them feel strong. However, because of their poor self-esteem, their egos are easily slighted, necessitating more compliments.

10 Red Flags That Your Partner Is a Narcissist

  • They are always seeking attention and hunting for compliments.
  • They are very controlling.
  • They are always the victim.
  • They are usually fantasizing about big successes and power
  • They have a huge sense of privilege
  • They are not empathetic
  • They hold a belief that others are envious of them.
  • They are very arrogant.
  • They think of themselves as special and one of a kind.
  • They do not hold their partner or their partner’s needs a priority.

If you are in a relationship with someone who has NPD, you have probably already gone through a lot. It is extremely draining to be in a relationship with someone who constantly criticizes, belittles, and refuses to commit to you.

This article does not imply that all of these characteristics apply to every narcissist, but if you notice a lot of them in your partner, you should start evaluating yourself and your relationship. If this is happening to you, it is strongly advised that you seek professional assistance because this is not a problem that can be resolved on your own. An online therapist can help you understand your relationship problems and help you resolve the issues.


NB: Do not self-diagnose yourself or your partner on the basis of this article. The purpose of this article is to outline the basic behaviors of narcissists. Kindly seek assistance from an online therapist to evaluate your partner or yourself.


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