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Tips to Control your Anger

Tips to Control your Anger

Last Updated: 14-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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ANGER is a powerful human emotion and is natural to experience like any other emotion. Also, you shouldn’t feel shame in expressing reasonable anger as it’s harmful to bottle up your emotions. However, the expression of your emotion will determine whether it’s problematic or not. Before looking up results it is important to understand that there could be several underlying causes of the anger specifically due to COVID-19 being at its peak and in general due to: low self-esteem, stress, physical illness, irritability, frustration, anxiety, depression and other psychological issues. Physical, emotional or sexual abuse could also be the causal factor.

Anger management therapy

Helpful anger management tips to follow:

  • Use the time-out technique during heat-up conversations

Set a deadline for yourself; for example: If the argument lasts more than 5-10 minutes, just walk out.

  • Respond not react

Give yourself time, to think and re-evaluate the whole scenario. It is better to respond after critically thinking rather than impatiently reacting.

  • Drink a lot of water

Staying well-hydrated lowers your level of stress. Keep taking-in fluids to remain well-balanced and manage mood swings.

  • Use humour to release tension

Humour helps to make the situation light. Watch your tone and avoid being rude.

  • Practice muscle relaxation and exercise

Progressive muscle relaxation helps you calm down. Practice regular workouts, yoga, gym, aerobics, Zumba or whatever suits you. Even normal stretch breaks can serve the purpose.

  • Think of healthier ways of expression

Think if you can express your point of view in any other way rather than bursting out. Avoid using mean or curse words. Look for healthier and calmer ways to communicate.

  • Think before you speak

Words hurt more than swords and anger may overpower you to speak things you might not even mean. Thus, it is important to think thoroughly before opening your mouth.

  • Respect individual differences

You may not have the same choices as others you may have different opinions but it is important to embrace the similarities and respect the differences. 

It is important to not panic or lose your calm during the pandemic scenario. Also, realise that your family is your biggest support and your house is the safest place. You can also contact our online psychologist to get counselling for anger management. Stay indoors, and stay healthy!

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