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Tips to get out of a bad mood

Tips to get out of a bad mood

Last Updated: 15-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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We have all been in situations at some point in life, where we have a long list of tasks to finish for the day. However, we are unable to be productive, as we were going through frustration and irritation or might not be in a good mood to get motivated for the same. The main reason we have trouble extracting ourselves more quickly is that we cannot shake a bad mood if we are not aware of what is causing it. So, let us fix it so that the next time when we get into that mood, we will not just wait for the dark cloud to lift. As it is also a fact that the more, we sit around being unproductive, the worse we feel.

However, before we talk about how to feel better, let us hit the pause button for a while. When you catch yourself feeling moody, a useful initial step is to take a moment to reflect on what makes you feel what you are feeling. Our emotions are often an outward sign of what is going on internally for us, and sometimes-internal things justify a bad mood. If you catch yourself feeling irritated today, maybe it is because you have received some unwanted critical feedback. Whatever it is going on for you, recognize what may be causing your mood, and accept that these emotions may serve a purpose.

Here are a few ways to get rid of a bad mood:-

Take care of yourself
Give yourself what you need, even if it is as simple as a good cup of coffee, a yummy meal, or an early night to bed. Keep self-care healthy, as drinking, shopping, and other compulsive behaviors can masquerade as self-care but may be more harmful in the end. Think of it as being your good parent and taking loving care of yourself.

Pay attention to your thinking
You should watch and not listen to your negative thoughts. Look for something positive, because thanks inspire positivity. Coach yourself in the mood of compassion.

Express yourself
Do not expect other people to become intellectual readers or you could end up in an unwanted conflict. Use strong communication, depending on your needs, to ask for support or space.

Take a break
Give yourself a mental time out of here. A bad mood is a good time to walk around the block or shut your office door to have a few quiet moments. It is not a good time to start important conversations about work or relationships! Let your loved ones know that you are not at your best and hold your tongue so that you do not say things that you will regret later.

To enter a higher level of consciousness; you do not have to cross your legs and be mindful. This simple act of slowing down, concentrating on one easy action such as gardening, reading a book, painting a wall, etc.

Do not fight it
Combating bad moods is like swimming or panicking in deep sand – things are worse. Only be mindful of your mood and embrace it as it is.

Always remind yourself that you’re lucky
Gratitude is a wonderful tool. Write down a few things you’re grateful for and remember that there is always someone having a harder time than you. Yep, if necessary just guilt yourself into feeling better! Visit HopeQure for behavior modification therapy.

The more we practice self-care and self-compassion, the more peace and calmness will be restored inside us.




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