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Top 7 tips to improve work life balance

Top 7 tips to improve work life balance

Last Updated: 11-03-2023

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

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It’s no secret that managing all the things to be done as an adult is quite challenging. Many a times, work takes precedence over everything else in our lives. The desire to succeed is not wrong but maintaining a harmonious work-life balance is essential not only for the social, emotional and mental well-being but also is important to succeed professionally by improving productivity and efficiency. Work-life balance does not mean giving equal number of hours in a day to both work and family. Life cannot be lived in such a rigid manner. Neither can the right balance be applied to each day. It will vary on day-to-day basis. There is nothing as one-size fits all, each individual is different, their requirements and goals are different. So, the work-life balance for each one of us is different. Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life(Business News Daily).


Maintaining a healthy work-life balance helps in reducing stress and prevents burnout at workplaces. Chronic stress which is very common at workplaces can lead to various physical consequences such as digestive problems, hypertension, chronic aches etc. Working overtime for a prolonged period can lead to burnout which causes fatigue, irritability, mood swings, decreased efficiency etc. Working extensively to succeed can actually hamper the progress if a healthy balance between work and leisure is not maintained. When one sustains a healthy work-life balance, they can be mindful which is to develop control over focus and concentrate well on the task at hand.


Tips to improve work-life balance:

  • Take time-off: A break from work is a great opportunity for one to recharge and come back eventually with a fresh mind and energy. Vacations are not a luxury but a necessity. This will definitely improve one’s productivity and focus upon returning. The American Sociological Association compiled a report, which suggests that a larger number of vacations lead to a decline in the psychological distress of people.
  • Short breaks in the day: It is important to encourage short breaks in between work throughout the day. It is not good for one’s health and mental well-being to work consistently and stare at the bright screen for hours without any breaks. Consider taking a break and taking a quick walk to the cafeteria or play some games in the gaming room.
  • Accept that there is no ‘perfect’ work-life balance: Don’t strive for the perfect schedule as it does not exist. Go for a more realistic one. There can be days which require one to dedicate extra time and energy to one’s work but then again there will be days wherein they can pursue their hobbies and have a more relaxed day. This showcases that achieving balance is not a day’s work but a process over a period. It is essential to remain fluid and constantly assess one’s priorities and commitments.
  • Prioritize health: Maintaining physical, emotional and mental health is of the utmost importance. There is no harm in calling sick on rough days. Overworking oneself will only be a hurdle in one’s pathway to success. Prioritizing health doesn’t mean to strive for extreme measures but it could be as simple as meditating or including therapy sessions in the schedule.
  • Make time for yourself: One should remember that their work is not the only thing in their life. They need to take care of themselves and have closed ones as well who require time from their end. One should try and engage in activities that make them happy and relaxed such as indulging in their hobbies. One should take out time for their loved ones and maintain a healthier and stronger bond with them.
  • Set boundaries and work hours: One should try and set boundaries to avoid burnout. This can be achieved in various ways like switching of their work phone post working hours or if that’s not possible one can consider using separate browsers  for work and personal platforms. It is very essential to have specific work hours which does not mean to neglect all the important work and chill but to try and finish everything in the working hours itself.
  • Set goals: Not only is setting goal important but sticking to it and finishing it well on time can help in achieving a healthy work-life balance.

It is possible to achieve a reasonable work-life balance but only if one is adamant on doing so. Words alone are not enough. None can do this for anyone but its is our responsibility to do this for ourselves. The initial steps are hard to take but eventually when one starts to see the results, they get motivated  and it becomes easier to achieve this balance between work and personal life. Always remember “ Either you run the day, or the day runs you”.

                                             -Jim Rohn


Blog Writer: Divyangana Mittal



  1. 2011-2020, (. (n.d.). Work-Life Balance. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ps/work-life-balance.html
  2. Sanfilippo, M. (n.d.). How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5244-improve-work-life-balance-today.html
  3. Joe Wedgwood | 29th August 2019, Joe WedgwoodChief Storyteller at The Happiness Index – Joe is a published journalist and blogger who’s thoughts on work-life balance and organisational culture feature on page one of Google. Passionate about engagement, Chief Storyteller at The Happiness Index – Joe is a published journalist and blogger who’s thoughts on work-life balance and organisational culture feature on page one of Google. Passionate about engagement, LinkedIn, & Email. (2020, June 15). The Importance of Work-Life Balance. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from https://thehappinessindex.com/employee-engagement/importance-of-work-life-balance/
  4. Work-Life Balance Defined. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2020, from https://worklifebalance.com/work-life-balance-defined/
  5. Kohll, A. (2018, May 23). The Evolving Definition Of Work-Life Balance. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/alankohll/2018/03/27/the-evolving-definition-of-work-life-balance/

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