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What Are The Most Common Depression Symptoms?

What Are The Most Common Depression Symptoms?

Last Updated: 08-03-2023

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

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Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Depression can be an isolating experience. Different types of depression can have varied symptoms. While the most common symptoms are obvious, many people suffer from depression without realizing what is the root cause of their problems.

Symptoms of depression can change over time. The most common symptoms of depression can differ among individuals, but there are usually some symptoms that are common.

The most common symptoms of depression include:

1. Depressed or sad mood for most of the day, nearly every day
2. Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable
3. Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
4. Loss of energy, tiredness

1. Depressed or sad mood for most of the day, nearly every day

Depression is an illness that can be treated. It is often caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is not a sign of weakness, a character flaw, or a defect. It is a sickness. Just like with any other illness, it needs to be diagnosed and it needs to be treated. Depression is common and treatable. In fact, depression is the most treatable of all mental illnesses.

Depression Screening is an effective way to help yourself. It will help you determine whether you should seek treatment from a mental health professional or if you are suffering from a condition with the symptoms of depression.

2. Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable

Let s be honest. Life isn t always fun and games. Sometimes, life gets hard and we lose interest in things we once enjoyed. It is perfectly natural. In fact, it is healthy. While times of stress are inevitable, you can reduce feelings of sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness by finding healthy ways to express your emotions and reach out for help. Feeling overwhelmed? Don t keep it bottled up. Talk to someone. Don t let your feelings control you. Seek help.

You are not alone. People who lose interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, often feel isolated. You may worry that you are losing touch with yourself and the world around you. You may feel like there is something missing from your life. But you don t have to feel this way. HopeQure offers ways to address the loss of interest. We offer solutions to help you get back on track.

3. Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism

Have you ever woken up with the feeling that nothing will ever get better? That everything you do will be in vain? There is no reason to live, what if things never get better? You re not alone. We all feel hopeless at some point in our lives. The good news is that there are things you can do to stop feeling hopeless.

We re all human, and we all have unique and often very private personal challenges that we frequently struggle with. Maybe you feel as if no one can relate. Maybe you feeling alone. Maybe you feel like you have no options. The truth is that you re not alone and there are options. Whether you re having trouble with depression or a related challenge, you re not alone. Therapists atย HopeQureย understand the challenges that come with depression.

4. Loss of energy, tiredness

The most common physical symptoms associated with depression are fatigue, loss of energy, and loss of interest in normal activities. These symptoms can lead to a reduced ability to perform daily tasks. Some people may experience raised or lowered sexual desire or interest, or a reduced need for sleep.

One way to think about early symptoms of depression is to consider the impact of depression on your ability to function in your daily life. Depression symptoms may make it difficult for you to perform your job, socialize with family and friends, or fulfill your responsibilities at home. From time to time we get completely overwhelmed by life s challenges. It is easy to feel alone and disconnected from others. You can feel like you re going through a tough time and nobody understands. You might even be tempted to bottle it all up and pretend like you re fine. But you really aren t fine. You need help. You need to know that you re not alone. And you need to hear from someone who really gets it.

Take that first step. Talk to a psychologist.

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