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Why do people seek psychologists advice?

Why do people seek psychologists advice?

Last Updated: 10-03-2023

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

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Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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According to the American Psychological Association, the scientific study of the behaviour and mental processes is called psychology. Social behaviour, Human development, health, sports, clinical, social behaviour, and cognitive processes are just a few of the many subfields of psychology that can be studied.

Psychology is a relatively new subject, with most advancements occurring in the last 150 years or so.

What is Psychology?

Psychology is about figuring out what makes a person behave and how that knowledge may help us solve many of today s challenges and issues.

As a science, psychology is also a flourishing academic discipline and an essential professional practice, dedicated to the observation, measurement, and testing of human behaviour. It also includes the feelings, thoughts, and motivations that underlies it – in order to reach conclusions relying on scientifically valid methods.

People seek psychologists advice and support for a variety of issues, and psychologists apply their experience and skill in a variety of settings.

A psychologist can help you with:

  • Depression prevention and treatment

  • Coping with anxiety and stress

  • Treatment of Mental disorders

  • Coping with the loss of a loved one

  • Dealing with traumatic events

  • Psychosis and schizophrenia: Understanding and Treating

  • Accelerating the healing process after a brain injury

  • Analysis and enhancement of sports performance

  • Assisting in the prevention or reduction of bullying

  • Helping the police, courts, and jail services in the performance of their tasks

  • Boosting efficiency both at work and in school

One prevalent misunderstanding regarding psychology has been that it is the same as psychiatry. Psychiatry is a unique branch of medicine (all psychiatrists must have a degree in medicine) that deals with mental illness. Psychology has a larger scope than mental disease and is not intrinsically tied to it.

If you wish to seek online counselling in any case of mental ill-health or require guidance in an aspect of life, an online psychologist can assist you.

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