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What is Resilience Building

What is Resilience Building

Last Updated: 29-03-2023

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MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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We all go through problems like job loss, financial problems, illness, natural disasters, medical emergencies, divorce, or the death of a loved one. Rather than falling into misery or avoiding issues with unfortunate adapting techniques, resilient individuals face life s challenges head-on. This doesn t imply that they experience less pain, distress, or uneasiness than others do. It implies that they 
handle such troubles in a manner that encourages quality and development. Much of the time, they may develop considerably more grounded than they were previously. 

The individuals who do not have this flexibility may rather become overpowered by such encounters. They may harp on issues and utilize undesirable ways of dealing with stress to manage life s difficulties. Disillusionment or disappointment may drive 
them to undesirable, ruinous, or even risky practices. These people are much slower to recoup from misfortunes and may encounter increasing mental pain accordingly. 

Why is it important to build resilience?  
In today s fast-paced and unpredictable world, building resilience has become increasingly important. Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt to change, and recover quickly from setbacks. It is a valuable trait that can help individuals navigate through challenges, both personal and professional. 

Building resilience is important for several reasons;-

Firstly, it allows us to better cope with stress and pressure. Life is full of ups and downs, and having resilience enables 
us to handle difficult situations with a positive mindset and maintain our mental well-being. 

Secondly, resilience helps us embrace change. In an ever-evolving world, being able 
to adapt quickly is crucial for personal growth and success. Resilient individuals are more likely to view change as an opportunity rather than a threat, allowing them to thrive in dynamic environments. 

Furthermore, building resilience fosters stronger relationships and connections with others. When we are resilient, we can effectively communicate our needs and emotions, seek support when needed, and build a support network that can help us through tough times. 

Lastly, resilience plays a significant role in achieving long-term goals. It provides the determination and perseverance necessary to overcome obstacles along the way. With resilience as a guiding force, individuals are more likely to stay committed to their 
aspirations despite setbacks or failures. 

Overall, building resilience is vital for navigating life s challenges successfully. It empowers individuals to face adversity head-on while maintaining their well-being, embracing change positively, fostering meaningful relationships, and achieving their goals in the long run. 

How resilience and mental health are related? 

Resilience and mental health are closely interconnected, as one s ability to cope with and overcome challenges can significantly impact their overall well-being. Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Resilience acts as a protective factor against the development of mental health issues such as 
anxiety or depression. Conversely, poor mental health can hinder an individual s ability to be resilient. Conditions such as chronic stress or untreated mental illnesses can erode one s capacity to cope with adversity effectively. This can lead to a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviours that further exacerbate mental health challenges. 

Recognizing the link between resilience and mental health highlights the importance of prioritizing both aspects of our lives. By nurturing our resilience skills through self-care practices and seeking support when necessary, we can enhance our overall well-
being and better navigate life s challenges. 

How to build resilience? 

It is important to note that resilience is not synonymous with being unaffected by difficulties; rather, it involves the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from them. Building resilience requires cultivating self-care practices, fostering supportive relationships, developing problem-solving skills, and seeking professional help when needed. 

Following are some of the ways that individuals can build resilience: 

Build social support 

Value relationships: Connecting with people can remind you that you’re not alone in difficulties. Try finding trustworthy and compassionate individuals who validate your feelings/ emotions. You may go on a weekly date night with your spouse or plan a lunch out with a friend, and try to genuinely connect with people who care about you. 

Join a group: Based on the activities you like, you can join a social group, a religious group, or an NGO. These groups provide social support and give you a sense of purpose or joy that you need. 
Inculcate Healthy Thoughts 

Rational thoughts: Try to identify areas of irrational thinking, such as a tendency to catastrophize difficulties or, and adopt a more balanced and realistic thinking pattern. Remind yourself that you’re not helpless. You may not be able to change an event, but 
you can change how you perceive and respond to it. 

Embrace change:  Accept the fact that change is the only constant thing in life. Certain goals may no longer be achievable or certain bonds may not be the same as they used to be as a result of situations. Accept and keep up with circumstances that 
are beyond your control. 

Be optimistic: It gets hard to be positive sometimes, especially when things aren’t going your way. Try to visualize what you desire, rather than worrying about your fear. 

Learn from experience: By looking back at who or what was helpful in the similar previous situation, you may find how to respond effectively to the current situation. Past is the most valuable teacher. 

Self Care 

Avoid negative coping: Many youngsters say they usually smoke because of stress. It might be tempting to mask your pain with alcohol, drugs or other substances, but it’s like putting a small bandage on a deep wound. 

Physical wellness: Self-care is not just a popular buzzword, but also an essential 
practice for building resilience. Promoting a healthy lifestyle like a balanced diet, ample sleep, hydration and regular work out can strengthen your body and reduce the toll of emotions. 

Mental wellness: Mindful journaling, yoga, and meditation can also help people to restore hope. Activities like expressing gratitude, writing forgiveness letters, and chanting positive affirmations can aid to deal with stressful situations.

You can also get online counselling that will help your mental wellness. 


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