Stress: A word affecting all of us in some form or the other on a regular
basis. But what exactly is stress? Is it the same as Depression and Anxiety?
Stress is the bodyโs natural response to any kind of threat, pressure or
anything that requires attention or action. It can be defined as any type of
change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. For eg:
Juggling multiple responsibilities, such as work, family, and personal
commitments or living in a chaotic environment, such as a noisy neighborhood
or a crowded home, can be a major source of stress.ย
Then what are Anxiety and Depression?
Anxiety is our bodyโs natural response to stress. Itโs a feeling of fear or
apprehension about what will happen in the future (anticipation of perceived
threat). For example, giving a speech in public may make some people feel
fearful or nervous, experience sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid
heart rate, etc. In some cases, the occurrence of
anxiety helps
alert us from potential danger and helps us prepare and take action.ย
Depression on the other hand is a state in which we have a "low mood" and are
generally upset, along with a loss of interest in activities we used to enjoy,
changes in sleep, hunger, guilt, lack of motivation, and general social
We frequently refer to anxiety, stress, and depression interchangeably or as
the same thing when we speak with friends or family on a daily basis. This is
not correct. While Depression and Anxiety can be the consequences of prolonged
stress or vice versa, they are not exactly the same, however related. Symptoms
might overlap but the intensity differs.
What is Stress? How does stress affect us?
Stress is a person s reaction to a hazardous event or a change in
circumstances. It can be seen as a person s response to an internal mental
condition, such as worrying about an exam, or to an external event or demand,
such as writing an exam. It s interesting to note that tension tends to rise
when one fears they won t be able to handle the current circumstance.
The majority of people see stress as something bad. Stress can motivate us to
perform at our highest level, though. For instance, under the stress and
strain of the Olympics, athletes frequently set world records. In this
instance, a healthy and required level of stress is helpful in motivating us
to write a term paper or study for a test. Thus, while some stress is good for
you, too much of it can be harmful.
Negative effects of chronic stress on physical and mental health
An individual s physical health is impacted by stress. Stress can be linked to
a variety of conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, ulcers, aches and
pains, asthma, hyperthyroidism, and even cancer.ย An individual s immune
system may be impacted by stress, which could make them more susceptible to a
variety of diseases and disorders.
Additionally, stress might hasten aging. Stress causes the body to redirect
its resources and energy from the immune system to other systems that are more
crucial to stress reactivity (as was also covered under the fight-or-flight
response and GAS). As a result, people who experience stress over an extended
length of time are more likely to become infected because their immune systems
are weakened.
Signs and Symptoms:ย
Changes in Appetite
Tension in the neck
Upset stomach, pounding heart
Tendency to accidents, chilly hands and feet
Headaches and Early Aging
Eating too much etc.
An individual s ability to perform executive functions, which include
planning, reasoning, managing their life, solving problems, and other duties,
is negatively impacted by stress. And this can be linked to the overload that
stress causes, when a person s resources are redirected to deal with the
stress. As a result, a person experiencing stress may find it difficult to
focus, remember details, or solve problems effectively.
An individual s capacity to make judgments and perform cognitively might both
suffer when they are under stress. When under stress, people tend to filter
out external stimuli and make heuristic-based decisions. People who are under
stress can also exhibit restricted thinking patterns and rigidity in their
performance. People may also find it difficult to manipulate information or
analyze complex circumstances when they are under stress (Kavanagh, 2005).ย
Signs & Symptoms:
Difficulty solving problems
Difficulty making decisions
Difficulty concentrating
Negative self-talk
Denial: Believe nothing is wrongย
Withdrawal: Avoid situations, Catastrophize, Overly suspicious.
Prolonged or persistent stress can have negative impacts on the immunological,
cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and central neurological systems of the body.
Untreated chronic stress can lead to major impairments such as Anxiety,
Depression, sleeplessness, elevated blood pressure, and muscular aches.ย
What is Anxiety? How does Anxiety affect us?
According to the American Psychological Association, โAnxiety is an emotion
characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes
like increased blood pressure.โ
For instance, when we re anxious, we frequently worry for extended periods of
timeโto the point where it can feel uncontrollable. These anxieties frequently
involve a wide range of topics, and our minds frequently switch rapidly
between them. Anxiety affects our behavior as well. For example, when we
experience anxiety, we frequently put off doing things we want to accomplish
because we are concerned about the outcome. While brief episodes of worry are
common in everyday life, it becomes problematic when fear starts to haunt a
person s every move and becomes a recurring theme in their existence.
Anxiety is not the same as fear, but they are often used interchangeably.
Anxiety is considered a future-oriented, long-acting response broadly focused
on a diffuse threat, whereas fear is an appropriate, present-oriented, and
short-lived response to a clearly identifiable and specific threat.
Signs and Symptoms
Feeling nervous, restless or tense
Having a sense of impending danger
Having an increased heart rate
Feeling weak or tired
Having trouble sleeping
Having difficulty controlling worry
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Worry that interferes with
everyday tasks and is excessive and persistent is indicative of generalized
anxiety disorder. Physical symptoms like restlessness, feeling tense or easily fatigued,
difficulty concentrating, tense muscles, or trouble sleeping may be present
along with this continuous worry and tension. Worries tend to center around
routine issues like work obligations, family health, or smaller concerns like
housework, auto maintenance, or appointments.
Panic Disorder: Recurrent panic attacks, a severe mix of
psychological and physical discomfort, are the main symptoms of
panic disorder. Several of these signs and symptoms coexist during an attack:
Heart palpitations, thumping, or accelerated heart rate
Shaky or trembling
Breathing difficulties or suffocating feelings, chest ache
Feeling lightheaded, faint, or dizzy, a sensation of choking
Sensitivity or tingling
Flashes of heat or chills, nausea or discomfort in the abdomen
Feeling disengaged
Fear of becoming out of control
Phobia: Phobia
is an extreme and enduring fear of a particular thing, circumstance, or action
that is usually not dangerous. People who are phobic are unable to get over
their overwhelming dread despite knowing it. Some people go to great lengths
to escape their worries because they are so distressed. Examples include the
fear of spiders, flying, and public speaking.
Social Anxiety Disorder: A primary source of worry and
suffering for a person with
social anxiety disorder
is the fear of being rejected, humiliated, embarrassed, or looked down upon in
social situations. With this disease, people would either try to escape the
situation or deal with it very anxiously. Seen in public eating and drinking,
meeting new people, and public speaking are common examples of great fear. The
worry or anxiety lasts for at least six months and interferes with day-to-day
Separation Anxiety Disorder: An individual suffering from
separation anxiety disorder
has overwhelming worry or anxiety when they are separated from the people they
are attached to. The emotion is excessive for the person s age, lasts longer
than normal (at least four weeks for children and six months for adults), and
interferes with daily functioning. A person suffering from separation anxiety
disorder could have nightmares about being apart from the person they love the
most, be reluctant to leave the house or go out at night, or be extremely
concerned about losing the person they care about the most. Although physical
signs of distress might last into maturity, they typically first appear in
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: People who have witnessed or
experienced a traumatic incident, sequence of events, or combination of
circumstances may develop
post traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD). People with PTSD continue to have intense, unsettling thoughts and
sensations about the traumatic experience. They might experience nightmares or
flashbacks where they relive the incident; they might experience despair,
dread, or rage; and they might feel distant or alienated from other people.
They might also respond negatively to seemingly insignificant things like loud
noises or unintentional touches.
What is Depression? How does Depression Affect us?
Depression refers to a state of overall loss of interest or enjoyment in life,
as well as feelings of sadness, discouragement, hopelessness, and
unmotivation. When these emotions persist for a little duration, they could be
referred to as a transient episode of "the blues." However, if they persist
for longer than two weeks and cause disruption to your usual daily routine,
you probably have depression.ย
Signs & Symptoms:
A persistently sad, or "empty" mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimismย
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessnessย
A loss of interest in or enjoyment from hobbies and activitiesย
Decreased energy, fatigue, or a feeling of "slowed down"ย
Insomnia, early morning awakenings, or excessive sleeping
Depressive disorders, also known as mood disorders, include three main types: major depression,
dysthymia, and bipolar disorder, and they can occur with any anxiety disorder.
Major Depression: A range of incapacitating symptoms that
impair your capacity to work, learn, eat, and sleep are indicative of major
depression. It could happen to you once, twice, or more often during your
lifetime. Alternatively, it could be connected to a loved one s passing, a
breakdown in your romantic life, a health issue, or another life event.ย
Dysthymia: A persistent form of depression called dysthymia,
sometimes known as dysthymic disorder, often lasts for at least two years. The
symptoms are similar to those of major depression, however milder; these
include low energy, poor appetite or overeating, and insomnia or oversleeping.
Stress, impatience, and mild anhedoniaโthe inability to enjoy most
activitiesโcan be symptoms of it.
Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is typified by mood swings from extreme lows (depression)
to extreme highs (mania) or mild highs (hypomania). A person may have unusual
or excessive happiness, agitation, a diminished need for sleep, grandiose
ideas, increased talking, racing thoughts, increased sexual desire, noticeably
increased energy, poor judgment, and improper social behavior during the manic
phase. A person suffers the symptoms of major depression during the depressive
What is the relationship between chronic Stress, Anxiety and
Stress, Anxiety and Depression are closely associated, with depression
frequently resulting from and preceded by chronic stress & anxiety. Long-term
exposure to stressors that exceeds a person s capacity for coping results in
chronic stress, which is defined as a sustained activation of the body s
stress response mechanisms.
Scientists at The University of Western Ontario have discovered the biological
link between stress, anxiety and depression. By identifying the connecting
mechanism in the brain, this high impact research led by Stephen Ferguson of
Robarts Research Institute shows a link between stress, anxiety and
A good understanding of the physiology of stress can help us better understand
the relationship between stress and mental disease. The
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis and the sympathetic
adreno-medullary (SAM) system are two interrelated systems that are activated
during stressful events. The cerebral cortex in SAM activation classifies a
stimulus as a stressor when it causes a person to lose his/her
balance/homeostasis. The hypothalamus receives this information and starts the
fight-or-flight response. This causes the adrenal medulla to release
catecholamines, such as norepinephrine and adrenaline. When two things happen
together, the body becomes aroused, resulting in symptoms like palpitations,
perspiration, elevated blood pressure, constriction of blood vessels, etc. If
the stress is prolonged for a long time, it converts into anxiety or
Another study by Ardayfio and colleagues showed how chronic stress could lead
to anxiety and depression. It presented that prolonged exposure to the stress
hormone, cortisol, contributed to symptoms of depression. According to this
study, stress hormones help a person in responding to an immediate threat.
However, if stress remains heightened, it could boost anxiety and lead to mood
disorder or most commonly major depressive disorder. Repeated or recurrent
stress is known to quicken or worsen
mood disorders.
Depression, Anxiety, Stress Treatment: Tips to Manage
Stress, anxiety, depression are highly treatable issues. They can be
effectively treated with medication and therapy, sometimes in conjunction with
one another.
Therapies like
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) are highly beneficial.
Relaxation and Mindfulness Exercises can help feel better and release
tension. It helps the individual to focus on the here and now instead of
past or future.
If the condition is persistent, medications can also help in overcoming
Anxiety and Depression
counselling online,