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Work Motivation: Proven Strategies for Career Growth

Work Motivation: Proven Strategies for Career Growth

Last Updated: 15-03-2023

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Written by :

MrsZahabiya Bambora
Counselling Psychologist
M.Sc. Psychology - Swansea University, UK.

Reviewed By:

Counselling Psychologist MA Psychology Pennsylvania State University, USA
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Every individual has different motivations to work in a job. There are individual reasons for working as an employee. Nonetheless, everybody works and gets something from work in the workplace. Some people work for their love of work; others work for their personal and professional fulfilment. Other people like to achieve goals and feel as if they are contributing to something bigger than themselves, something important, an overarching vision of what they can create. Some people have personal tasks that they carry out through meaningful work.

Whereas others love what they do or the clients they serve. Some people like interacting with customers and co-workers. Other people like to have their time filled with activity. Some workers like challenges, and a variety of problems to solve. As you can see, work motivation is both individual and diverse.

Motivation is an internal driving force that results in persistent behaviour directed towards a particular goal. It is an effective instrument in the hands of a manager for inspiring the workforce and creating confidence in it. The traditional way of looking at work motivation is to differentiate between two categories of motivation depending on what reasons and goals are because of a behaviour or action.

A person can be either extrinsically motivated or intrinsically motivated. If extrinsic motivation is dominant, a person is doing something because it leads to apparent external rewards such as money and status. When intrinsic motivation is the reason for performing an activity, the activity itself is rewarding enough the task is carried out because it is enjoyable and interesting.

Although what people want from work is personal, it is very easy to give people what they want from work according to the individual, their needs and the incentives that are important to them. The basics are as follows:

  • Monitoring their role motivates Individuals - This includes certain elements such as the opportunity to influence decisions; defining specific and measurable objectives; recognizing responsibility for a full or at least established task; enriching the role; the activities performed in the work itself; and acknowledging achievement.

  • Growth and growth programs are motivational- This includes preparation and training; career paths; team participation; succession planning; cross-training; and field trips to productive workplaces.

  • Motivation is essential to leadership- People want a clear picture of the expected results with goals and suggestions and an acceptable structure or system.

  • Work motivation can increase employee commitment- When employees are motivated to work, they will generally put their best efforts into the tasks assigned to them.

  • Work motivation can improve employee satisfaction – Employee satisfaction is important to every company because it can lead to positive growth for the organization.

Continuous employee growth encouragement can make it easier for an employee to achieve his / her personal goals and encourage an individual s self-growth. If this worker meets those initial targets, it is clear that commitment is related to performance that will further inspire them to perform at a high level which ultimately gives them work motivation.

In case  you feel demotivated, you can seek online counselling, contact HopeQure! 


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