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Enjoy Deep Sleep

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Beneficial For:

  • Those experiencing sleepless nights
  • Those having disrupted sleep
  • Those with stress and tension
  • Those struggling with sleep issues

We Will Help You With:

  • Counselling for sleep related issues
  • Breathing and Relaxation techniques for sleep disturance
  • Healthy sleep hygiene practices
  • Relaxation techniques

Sleep eat repeat is more than just catchy Instagram bio. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs sleep is a basic, physiological need.

Sleeping isn’t a passive activity as considered by layman, researchers say that it is a highly active process during which the day’s event are processed and energy is restored. Sleep also helps to rejuvenate and regulate hormone. 

Sleep plays a vital role in our physiological as well as mental health. Sound sleep works as “healing pause”. There are several benefits of a sound sleep such as reduced stress, improved mood, more energy, enhanced attention and what not.


To live a better life it is essential to have deep and sound sleep. Lack of sleep may significantly hamper all domains of life including mental, physical, emotional well being and even immune system.

Lack of proper sleep can become cause of bad mood, irritability and overall balance of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, there are ways like on weekends to maintain a consistent wake-up and bedtime regimen. Regular activity encourages a restful night's sleep. A minimum of a few hours before going to bed exercise should be planned, and stimulating activities should be avoided directly before night.

Issues with the kind, quantity, and timing of sleep lead to daytime distress and functional impairment and are frequently referred to as sleep-wake disorders. There are many different types of sleep-wake disorders, with insomnia becoming the most common.

The therapist will alter your pre-bedtime routine and your style of thinking by using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you sleep better. The emphasis will be on relaxation techniques and altering lifestyle practices that interfere with sleep.

Psychotherapy and medication have both been found to be effective in treating sleep problems. Medical advice should always be sought before using any medication.

Both internal and external variables have an impact on sleep. Physical discomfort, stress, psychological problems, snoring, and sleep disorders are some of the internal elements that has an impact on how well people sleep. Drugs, sleep surroundings, sleep patterns, caffeine and alcohol, and particular foods are some of the extrinsic influences.

It typically starts with cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which is an effective treatment for persistent sleep issues.

Physical and emotional issues are related to sleep problems. In addition to being a cause of or an aggravation of mental health issues, sleep issues can also be a sign of other mental health issues.

A healthy adult need at least seven hours of sleep per night. Most people can fall asleep for no more than eight hours and yet feel rested. Including weekends, going to bed and rising at the same hour every day. Consistency strengthens the sleep-wake cycle in your body.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can i overcome my sleep issues?

Yes, there are ways like on weekends to maintain a consistent wake-up and bedtime regimen. Regular activity encourages a restful night's sleep. A minimum of a few hours before going to bed exercise should be planned, and stimulating activities should be avoided directly before night.

What are sleep disorders?

Issues with the kind, quantity, and timing of sleep lead to daytime distress and functional impairment and are frequently referred to as sleep-wake disorders. There are many different types of sleep-wake disorders, with insomnia becoming the most common.

What does a therapist do with a person with sleep disorders?

The therapist will alter your pre-bedtime routine and your style of thinking by using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you sleep better. The emphasis will be on relaxation techniques and altering lifestyle practices that interfere with sleep.

What are treatment approaches available for grief?

Psychotherapy and medication have both been found to be effective in treating sleep problems. Medical advice should always be sought before using any medication.

What factors affect a person's sleep?

Both internal and external variables have an impact on sleep. Physical discomfort, stress, psychological problems, snoring, and sleep disorders are some of the internal elements that has an impact on how well people sleep. Drugs, sleep surroundings, sleep patterns, caffeine and alcohol, and particular foods are some of the extrinsic influences.

Which therapy is best for sleep disorders?

It typically starts with cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which is an effective treatment for persistent sleep issues.

Are sleep issues a mental illness?

Physical and emotional issues are related to sleep problems. In addition to being a cause of or an aggravation of mental health issues, sleep issues can also be a sign of other mental health issues.

What's the healthiest sleep schedule?

A healthy adult need at least seven hours of sleep per night. Most people can fall asleep for no more than eight hours and yet feel rested. Including weekends, going to bed and rising at the same hour every day. Consistency strengthens the sleep-wake cycle in your body.

What comes in "Enjoy Deep Sleep" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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