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Home Counselling for Older Adults

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Beneficial For:

  • Older adults struggling with self care and cognitive dysfunctions
  • Older parents living away from their children
  • Elderly dealing with ageing, illness and dependence
  • Children who want to support their parents with illnesses
  • Older adults experiencing loss of interest
  • Older adults struggling with death anxiety
  • Elderly suffering from Long term illnesses

We Will Help You With:

  • Dealing with symptoms of anxiety
  • Overcoming Depression and Low Moods
  • Overcoming Death Anxiety
  • Improving, memory, language other cognitions
  • Managing Grief and Dealing with Loss
  • Restoring a Positive Sense of Self
  • Providing psychological, emotional and cognitive support
  • Relaxation and other mindfulness techniques

Changes in physical and mental capacities that occur with age can be difficult to detect for elderly people as well as their family, friends, and caretakers. HopeQure helps you identify the warning signs to help plan interventions for elderly that can be arranged online or at home. Our professionals help identify the behaviours could signal that action is required and aid betterment. At HopeQure, our professionals specialises in dealing with geriatric depression and geriatric anxiety, which are known to be quite common but unfortunately the most overlooked issues amongst older adults. With therapy elderly feel understood, supported, and valued. They are encouraged to outline their problems, express many feelings, and receive validation for the realistic pressures faced and this makes them feel acknowledged. The therapist also clarifies issues that are reported and works on self-esteem to help restore a positive sense of self.

Major Warning signs to look out for in older adults struggling with mental health issues.
Mood swings or changes in energy levels
Disturbed sleep and eating habits
Confusion, forgetfulness, and disorientation
Incoherent speech and inappropriate blabbering
Increased worrying and constant fear
Loss of will to live
Feeling anxious with the idea of death
Loss of interest in daily activity
Absence of self care
Unexplained aches and pains.
Sadness or a sense of hopelessness
Aggressive outbursts or excessive crying
Having trouble getting thoughts and memories out of your head
Hearing voices or believing in things that aren t true
Consider self-harm or injuring others.
Contributing factors in decline of older adults mental health include, existing health conditions, previous traumatic experiences, retirement and abandonment, decline in physical capabilities, Loss of loved ones, Social Isolation and abuse. Abuse can include physical, verbal, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect, loss of dignity and respect which can result in serious and potentially long-term psychological effects such as depression and anxiety. Furthermore, situations such as bereavement or a decline in socioeconomic position with retiring are more likely to occur in older people. Most of these challenges might cause isolation, loneliness, or psychological anguish in seniors, along with diminished mobility, chronic pain, frailty, or other health issues that necessitate long-term care. Seniors rely on social connections and intimate personal relationships, for support  and in turn suffer from broken personal ties and loneliness. 

Old age is usually accompanied by many problems, be it physical, mental or emotional. Isolation, mood and anxiety disorders, dementia, and psychosis are just a few of the mental health issues. As a result of physical diseases or surgical treatments, they also experience sleep and behavioural disturbances, cognitive impairment, and confused states. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Interpersonal therapy, Supportive therapy, Mindfulness-based therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and Geriatric Therapy are a few of the therapeutic modalities that may be helpful for managing age-related stress.

Building rapport, comprehending the context of ageing, being aware of cultural and historical factors, assessing cognitive and physical abilities, including family members, working with other healthcare professionals, and encouraging activities are just a few of the specific considerations that may come into play when counselling an older adult patient.

For older persons, a variety of therapies, such as, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Retraining for stimulation, physical activity, medication management, social support, and advanced care planning, might be helpful.

No, it s not free but you can take online counselling from HopeQure which is an online platform for therapy, our prices are affordable you can check it here.

Geriatric assessment, age-specific care, multidisciplinary treatment involves collaboration between various healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and therapists, to provide a holistic and comprehensive approach to care, patient-centered care, care coordination, and age-sensitive communication are some of the principles that are thought to be important to ensure that the treatment is effective.

Respect includes humble treatment and appreciating their perspective, kindness means understanding and empathizing with the demands of the elderly person s are essential components of compassion and empowerment is among the values that are seen as significant while taking care of the elderly.

In order to assure that the care given is efficient and considerate of their particular needs, two fundamental concepts are person-centered care and multidisciplinary.

The learning has to support their beliefs and should be repetitive in order to be stored in long term memory. The learning material should be organized, transparent, and simple to understand since older adults appreciate knowledge that is well-structured

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Overcome Exam anxiety

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Improving Relationship Counselling

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Frequently Asked Questions

What comes in "Home Counselling for Older Adults" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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