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How to Enhance Creative Minds

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Beneficial For:

  • One who wants to produce novel ideas
  • One who wants to be receptive to new ideas
  • One who wants to beat functional fixedness
  • One who wants to turn ideas into reality

We Will Help You With:

  • Tricks to be more creative
  • Becoming more open to new ideas
  • Enhancing divergent thinking
  • Developing drive to find alternates
  • Developing drive to find alternates

Creativity is an expression between inner and outer world, dreams and deeds, conscious and unconscious mind. It is a perfect collaboration of madness and methodology.

Psychologist define creativity as coming up with novel or innovative ideas and turning them into reality.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi writer of book ‘The Psychology Of Discovery And Invention’ quoted “Creativity is the cardinal source of meaning in our life”.

The 2 key elements of a creative idea are:

  • Novel (originality and uniqueness)
  • Applicable (useful)

A myth that needs to be busted here is ‘Only poets, content creator, painter lyricists and other artists are creative’. The truth is you can be absolutely creative in whatever you are doing. A teacher can be creative in her teaching methodology a professional can be creative in his/her daily tasks. A student can do his home assignments creatively, learn or understand a new concept using non-conventional tricks and all of us can use the power of creativity in our daily problem solving.


The fortunate fact is human beings are born creative. We learn conventional ways and orderly thinking patterns but divergent thinking is innate and common in all of us.

Some common traits of a creative individual are:

  • Curiosity
  • Awareness
  • Risk taking
  • Receptivity
  • Playing with ideas
  • Finding alternatives
  • Experimentation
  • Openness
  • Non-conforming attitude
  • Flexibility
  • Positive attitude


Frequently Asked Questions

The ability to come up with or recognize concepts, options, or possibilities that could be helpful in resolving issues, interacting with others, or amusing ourselves and others is referred to as creativity.The ability to come up with or recognize concepts, options, or possibilities that could be helpful in resolving issues, interacting with others, or amusing ourselves and others is referred to as creativity.

Our capacity for creativity enables us to approach difficulties with greater flexibility and openness. The ability to be creative helps us to open our minds, widen our viewpoints, and get over our preconceptions.

There are certain steps to becoming creative involving making the appropriate inquiry developing your expertise, being present and mindful, exploring and acting out, coming up with ideas then merging concepts.

Record your fresh concepts, and try to find difficult problems that don't necessarily have a solution this forces the competition of old ideas with the emergence of new ones, enlarging your knowledge base. This increases the variety of knowledge that can be connected, and embrace an intriguing environment and interesting people.

The researchers discovered a link between dopamine-related genes and creativity. Additionally, research has demonstrated that chaotic settings foster original thought. According to the same study, people like "fresh" options when they are in an unorganized environment.

Creativity is the ability to generate original ideas or discover unusual solutions to problems. Psychology defines creativity in terms of utility and how different the concept is (how useful the idea is).

Practice, attention for the everyday, teamwork, and trying out various styles are all recommended.

It differs from individual to individual due to their differences it could take from weeks to years to learn creative skills.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is creativity?

The ability to come up with or recognize concepts, options, or possibilities that could be helpful in resolving issues, interacting with others, or amusing ourselves and others is referred to as creativity.The ability to come up with or recognize concepts, options, or possibilities that could be helpful in resolving issues, interacting with others, or amusing ourselves and others is referred to as creativity.

Is creativity important?

Our capacity for creativity enables us to approach difficulties with greater flexibility and openness. The ability to be creative helps us to open our minds, widen our viewpoints, and get over our preconceptions.

How can i become creative?

There are certain steps to becoming creative involving making the appropriate inquiry developing your expertise, being present and mindful, exploring and acting out, coming up with ideas then merging concepts.

What are ways to become creative?

Record your fresh concepts, and try to find difficult problems that don't necessarily have a solution this forces the competition of old ideas with the emergence of new ones, enlarging your knowledge base. This increases the variety of knowledge that can be connected, and embrace an intriguing environment and interesting people.

How does creativity get influenced by genetic or environmental factors.

The researchers discovered a link between dopamine-related genes and creativity. Additionally, research has demonstrated that chaotic settings foster original thought. According to the same study, people like fresh options when they are in an unorganized environment.

Is creativity a psychological concept?

Creativity is the ability to generate original ideas or discover unusual solutions to problems. Psychology defines creativity in terms of utility and how different the concept is (how useful the idea is).

How to enhance creativity?

Practice, attention for the everyday, teamwork, and trying out various styles are all recommended.

How much time does it take to become creative?

It differs from individual to individual due to their differences it could take from weeks to years to learn creative skills.

What comes in "How to Enhance Creative Minds" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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