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Find Your Purpose and Live Your Best Life with the Know Who You Are Program

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Beneficial For:

  • Those who want to enhance self awareness
  • Those who are not comfortable with puberty changes
  • Those who adolescence is being stressor
  • Those who want to find your true self

We Will Help You With:

  • Counselling for identity crisis
  • Identifying your true self
  • Enhancing self acceptance
  • Growth and development

“Adolescence is when the worst and the best impulse in the human soul struggle against each other for possession.” – G. Stanley Hall

Puberty is a time-period of rapid physiological changes (involving hormonal and other bodily changes). Changes are not limited to body it involves ever changing interests and desires, sexual maturity, increased energy and rebellious behaviour.

Adolescent needs can be laid down in following three categories:

  1. Need to stand out: This refers to establishing an identity of your own, be independent and autonomous.
  2. Need to fit in: To gain validation, acceptance and sense of belongingness among their peers.
  3. Need to achieve: To gain skills, polish their abilities and shine on academic or professional front.

According to Erik Ericson, individuals in teenage distant themselves from parents in order to establish their own identity. It is seen that adolescents engage in risk-taking and pleasure seeking behaviours to fulfil these needs. A lot of self exploration in terms of gender, sexual orientation, beliefs and ethnicity are common during adolescence. Autonomy is closely linked with identity formation as when one takes responsibility of his/her own actions they tend to develop healthy identity.


Common issues that interfere with identity establishment

  1. Peer pressure
  2. Academic stress
  3. Parental expectations
  4. Competitive environment
  5. Future  concerns
  6. Friendships and Relationships
  7. Societal standards


Frequently Asked Questions

Identity crisis are developmental occurrences in which a person begins to doubt their perception of themselves or their role in the world.

Yes, there is a strong connection between identity crisis and self-confidence. Identity crisis often leads to low self-confidence.

An identity crisis can affect anybody, of any age, at anytime in their life, despite commonly being assumed to occur at specific ages (for example, in adolescents or during "midlife crises").

An individual who lacks a feeling of identity may instead experience a sense of disconnection from their past selves and/or lack of anticipation for their future selves.

You can reach out to a mental health professional who can help you to develop skills to become self-aware.

A qualified mental health professional can help in dealing with an identity crisis.

  • Maintain an open mind.
  • Be aware of your advantages and disadvantages.
  • Stay concentrated.
  • Set limitations.
  • Understand your emotional triggers.
  • Accept your instincts.
  • Exercise self-control.

The lack of necessary support in your upbringing circumstances is regarded to be the root of an identity problem. An unstable personality is not something you are born with.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are identity crisis?

Identity crisis are developmental occurrences in which a person begins to doubt their perception of themselves or their role in the world.

Does identity crisis affects a person s confidence?

Yes, there is a strong connection between identity crisis and self-confidence. Identity crisis often leads to low self-confidence.

What is the age in which identity crisis occur?

An identity crisis can affect anybody, of any age, at anytime in their life, despite commonly being assumed to occur at specific ages (for example, in adolescents or during 'midlife crises').

How do you know one has identity crisis?

An individual who lacks a feeling of identity may instead experience a sense of disconnection from their past selves and/or lack of anticipation for their future selves.

Who can help with self-awareness?

You can reach out to a mental health professional who can help you to develop skills to become self-aware.

Who can help in dealing with identity crisis?

A qualified mental health professional can help in dealing with an identity crisis.

What are the ways to enhance self-awareness?

Maintain an open mind. Be aware of your advantages and disadvantages. Stay concentrated. Set limitations. Understand your emotional triggers. Accept your instincts. Exercise self-control.

Are genetic or environmental factors responsible for identity crisis?

The lack of necessary support in your upbringing circumstances is regarded to be the root of an identity problem. An unstable personality is not something you are born with.

What comes in "Find Your Purpose and Live Your Best Life with the Know Who You Are Program" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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