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Online Counselling Inspire to be Motivated

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Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny."

                                                    - Stephen Covey

Motivation is a drive to do something

Types of Motivation











Extrinsic Motivation- It is the type of motivation that comes from outside (external source). Monetary gains, rewards are few examples of external motivation.

Intrinsic Motivation- It is the type of motivation that comes from within (internally). Ones own values, interests are few examples of internal motivation.

Identified Motivation- It is a type of motivation wherein the person identifies or understands the need to take an action.

Introjected Motivation- It is another type of internalised motivation wherein person experience guilt or tension due to undone tasks.


An inspiration is all that we need to be motivated, to make change, to get set go! And who other than a teacher/ a mentor can be a better source of motivation?

Let’s begin your journey of becoming an ideal for your students!


Frequently Asked Questions

The drivers of behaviour are referred to as motivation. It is what drives people to behave in certain ways. Motivation is the process that starts, drives, and sustains goal-oriented behaviour.

  • Divide work into small portions.
  • Praise yourself for the little things you accomplish.
  • Enjoy some "me time"
  • Be as present as you can.
  • Attend beneficial events.
  • Request assistance.

For people who lack motivation, cognitive behavioural therapy is a useful therapeutic option. It entails altering both unhealthy thought processes and behavioural tendencies. Both higher motivation and increased accomplishment are the results of these improvements.

A client learns effective strategies and skills to enhance motivation in the therapy session by the therapist. A therapist aims to alter the negative thoughts of the client which leads to changes in feelings and behaviour leading to low motivation by using appropriate psychological techniques.

Motivational psychologist is a qualified mental health professional who has expertise in dealing with self-esteem issues, low motivation and persistent procrastination.

Therapy aims to eliminate or modify the existing maladaptive thought patterns related to motivation which eventually led to changes in feelings and behavior.

Counselling techniques like Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Cognitive behavior Therapy use Chunking, rationalization, realistic goal setting in become and maintain motivation. It aims to focus on the type of motivation as well as the preparation and action required for the fulfillment of the task.

Motivational Counselling can help treat numerous psychiatric illnesses, addictions, low self-esteem, eating disorders, high-risk behaviours in adolescents, etc. It can successfully increase motivation in general or regarding specific goal without the use of medications.

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Develop Positive Body Image

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Overcome Depressive Feelings

Get over with the blues of depressive feelings

Put off Procrastination

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Find Your Purpose and Live Your Best Life with the Know Who You Are Program

This program is for anyone who is looking to improve their self awareness, build stronger relationships, and achieve their full potential

Frequently Asked Questions

What is motivation?

The drivers of behaviour are referred to as motivation. It is what drives people to behave in certain ways. Motivation is the process that starts, drives, and sustains goal-oriented behaviour.

How to increase motivation?

Divide work into small portions. Praise yourself for the little things you accomplish. Enjoy some 'me time' Be as present as you can. Attend beneficial events. Request assistance.

Which therapy helps to increase motivation?

For people who lack motivation, cognitive behavioural therapy is a useful therapeutic option. It entails altering both unhealthy thought processes and behavioural tendencies. Both higher motivation and increased accomplishment are the results of these improvements.

What a therapist do to help the person to increase motivation?

A client learns effective strategies and skills to enhance motivation in the therapy session by the therapist. A therapist aims to alter the negative thoughts of the client which leads to changes in feelings and behaviour leading to low motivation by using appropriate psychological techniques.

What is a motivational psychologist?

Motivational psychologist is a qualified mental health professional who has expertise in dealing with self-esteem issues, low motivation and persistent procrastination.

How therapy helps in motivation?

Therapy aims to eliminate or modify the existing maladaptive thought patterns related to motivation which eventually led to changes in feelings and behavior.

What are the counselling techniques for motivation?

Counselling techniques like Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Cognitive behavior Therapy use Chunking, rationalization, realistic goal setting in become and maintain motivation. It aims to focus on the type of motivation as well as the preparation and action required for the fulfillment of the task.

Why is motivational counseling so important?

Motivational Counselling can help treat numerous psychiatric illnesses, addictions, low self-esteem, eating disorders, high-risk behaviours in adolescents, etc. It can successfully increase motivation in general or regarding specific goal without the use of medications.

What comes in " Online Counselling Inspire to be Motivated" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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