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Online Migraine Therapy

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Beneficial For:

  • Somebody suffering from frequent headache
  • Somebody sensitive towards bright light, dots and sparkles
  • Someone whose migraine is leading to dysfunctional lifestyle
  • Someone who wants to attain better insight regarding their migraine

We Will Help You With:

  • Attaining constructive coping style
  • Learning how to reduce the probability of triggering events
  • Maintaining an adaptive lifestyle
  • Finding possible alternative ways to deal with migraine

Migraine is a Neuropsychological disorder that causes throbbing, pulsing headache. It is more than a bad headache and gets intensified or aggravated due to exposure with lights, sound, strong smells and physical exertion. It has various types and leads to symptoms like : Visualizing sparkle dots and flashes, blind spots in your vision, tingling skin, changes in smell or taste, changes in speech and tone, momentarily vision loss, temporary paralysis, loss of sensation, inability to focus, low mood, fatigue, insomnia, loss of balance or double vision. These symptoms may occur suddenly and cause nausea or ringing in ears before initiation of symptoms. The major risk factors or triggers that causes migraine are usually Psychological distress, poor emotional well being, missing meals, caffeine, sensitivity towards preservatives in food, excessive consumption of pain killers, hormonal changes in women and genetics. There is bidirectional association between mood disorders and migraine which indicates role of psychological stressors in migraine.

How Migraine Therapy Works? 

If you suffer from migraines or have a previous history of having migraines in your family, a headache treatment expert on treating migraines (a neurologist) is likely to determine whether you have migraines based upon your medical history, your symptoms, and a physical and neurological exam. 

If your condition is uncommon, complicated, or suddenly becomes extreme, testing to determine if there are any other reasons for your discomfort could include: 

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) An MRI scan utilizes a strong electromagnetic field as well as radio waves in order to create precise images of the blood vessels and brain. MRI scans can help doctors identify tumors and strokes, as well as bleeding within the brain area, infection, and various other neurological and brain system (neurological) diseases. 

CT scans are computerized scans. A CT scan utilizes a sequence of X-rays in order to produce precise cross-sectional pictures of the brain. It helps migraine therapy doctors identify tumors, brain injuries, infections, bleeding in the brain, and other medical issues that could cause headaches. 

Treatment of Migraine 

The migraine therapy is focused on preventing the possibility of future attacks. 

A variety of medications have been developed to treat migraines. The medications used to treat migraines are classified into two general categories. 

Pain-relieving medications. Also known as abortive or acute treatment, these medicines are used when migraine attacks occur. They are designed to reduce the symptoms. 

Preventive medication. These are the kinds of medicines that are typically taken every day to decrease the frequency or severity of migraines. 

The headache treatment options you choose to pursue depend on the severity and frequency of your headaches, including whether you experience nausea or vomiting in conjunction with headaches, how severe your headaches can be, and other medical conditions you suffer from. 

Medicines for Relief form Migraine

Headache treatments for migraine pain are best taken as soon as there is a sign of one coming—when symptoms and signs of migraine start. The medications that are available to treat migraines include: 

Pain relievers: These prescription or over-the-counter painkillers include aspirin or Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and many others). If they are used over a long period, they could cause headaches from medication use and ulcers, as well as bleeding from the stomach. 

Migraine pain relief drugs: These include caffeine, aspirin, and acetaminophen (Excedrin Migraine). They can be effective, however, and they are usually used to treat minor migraine pain. 

Triptans: Prescription medications like sumatriptan (Imitrex Tosymra) and rizatriptan (Maxalt Maxalt, Maxalt MLT) are prescribed for migraine treatment because these drugs block the pain pathway within the brain. When taken as shots, pills, or sprays for the nose, these alleviate the symptoms of migraine. They may not be suitable for people who are at high risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. 

Dihydroergotamine (D.H.E. 45, Migranal): Available in the form of a nasal spray or injectable, this medication is most effective when used immediately following the onset of migraine symptoms, which last for more than 24 hours. Some side effects include the escalating nausea and vomiting related to migraines.

People suffering from coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or kidney or liver diseases must avoid dihydroergotamine. 

Lasmiditan (Reyvow): The latest oral tablet is accepted for the treatment of migraine, with or without aura. In clinical tests, lasmiditan significantly improved headache pain. Lasmiditan has a sedative effect and may cause dizziness. Those who are taking it should not operate machinery or drive for at least 8 hours. 

Ubrogepant (Ubrelvy): This oral calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonist has been approved to treat acute migraine that is not accompanied by aura in adult patients. It s the very first drug that s been approved as a migraine treatment. In clinical trials, the ubrogepant drug was superior to a placebo when it came to alleviating migraine symptoms, such as nausea and sensitivity to sound and light, within two hours of taking it. Common adverse reactions include dry mouth, nausea, and excessive sleepiness. Ubrogepant is not recommended along with other strong CYP3A4 inhibitors. 

CGRP Antagonists: Ubrogepant (Ubrelvy) and Rimegepant (Nurtec ODT) are both oral CGRP antagonists that were recently approved to treat acute migraine that is not accompanied by an aura in adults. In clinical trials, medications of this class were more effective than placebo for relieving symptoms of migraine, like nausea and sensitization to sound and light, within two hours of taking them. Common adverse reactions are dry mouth, vomiting, and extreme sleepiness. Rimegepant and Ubrogepant should not be used in conjunction with powerful CYP3A4 inhibitors. 

Opioid medicines: If you are unable to use other migraine medication, opioid narcotics could assist. Since they are highly addictive, they are typically utilized only when other treatment options are successful. 

Anti-nausea medications may be beneficial if your migraine is accompanied by nausea or vomiting. The anti-nausea medications include chlorpromazine, metoclopramide (Reglan), and prochlorperazine (Compro). They are typically taken along with pain medication.



Frequently Asked Questions

Migraine therapy involves incorporating psychotherapy in the treatment of Migraine. Many patients can benefit from behavioural therapy to reduce their migraine headache, in part by changing how they react to pain. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), biofeedback, and relaxation are among the methods of stress reduction that are helpful for migraine sufferers.

Medication, therapy and lifestyle changes are very prominently helpful in managing symptoms severity and intensity of migraine. Management may involve Stress relieving techniques, Resilience building relaxation techniques, etc. Other common remedies include caffeine, ginger, exercising or massage, and over-the-counter painkillers.

Migraine headaches can be very disturbing for an individual. Those who experience chronic migraines are more likely to experience psychiatric disorders, with sadness and anxiety being the two most prevalent.

Medication, lifestyle changes, and psychotherapy are some of the treatment approaches for the management of migraine. Medication helps in reducing the symptom’s severity on the other hand lifestyle changes and psychotherapy helps to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks by reducing stress and management of the triggers inducing migraine headaches.

Progressive muscle relaxation and acupuncture along with medication helps reduce the impact of migraine by altering the thoughts associated with stress which lead to severe headaches.

There is no cure for migraine but with the use of medication, relaxation exercises and acupuncture the symptoms can be managed.

It seems that both genetic and environmental variables are involved. A significant pain pathway, the trigeminal nerve, and its interactions with the brainstem may play a role. The same may be said for chemical imbalances in the brain, such as serotonin, which enables the human nervous system to control pain.

Hormonal fluctuation, stress, certain drinks, foods, and odours, vivid lights, sleep disturbance, and physical elements.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is migraine therapy?

Migraine therapy involves incorporating psychotherapy in the treatment of Migraine. Many patients can benefit from behavioural therapy to reduce their migraine headache, in part by changing how they react to pain. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), biofeedback, and relaxation are among the methods of stress reduction that are helpful for migraine sufferers.

How to get over migraine?

Medication, therapy and lifestyle changes are very prominently helpful in managing symptoms severity and intensity of migraine. Management may involve Stress relieving techniques, Resilience building relaxation techniques, etc. Other common remedies include caffeine, ginger, exercising or massage, and over-the-counter painkillers.

What are psychological issues caused by migraine?

Migraine headaches can be very disturbing for an individual. Those who experience chronic migraines are more likely to experience psychiatric disorders, with sadness and anxiety being the two most prevalent.

What comes in "Online Migraine Therapy" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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