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Overcome Anxiety

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Beneficial For:

  • If you often experience palpitations, racing heart with no biological cause.
  • If you worry, feel agitated or restless.
  • If you have difficulty in concentrating.
  • If you experience chronic fatigue or tensed muscles.

We Will Help You With:

  • Dealing with symptoms of anxiety
  • Relaxation and other mindful
  • Slow down restless and worry behaviour
  • Bringing back attention and clarity

Anxiety can be understood as, ‘feeling of uneasiness and discomfort pertaining to uncertain outcome’. It is our body’s natural response for future concerns. It is a feeling of worry or apprehension oriented to future like- ‘what will happen’. First day at college, going for an interview, delivering a speech may cause people to experience fear and nervousness.

We all feel anxious as a reaction to certain events or situations in our lives. It is absolutely normal to experience this every now and then.  In fact, three out of every five individuals go through major anxiety but only one person out of these three seek professional help.

This feeling of anxiety is a signal from our internal warning system to our mind and body for being prepared to face unpredictable/unplanned or dangerous situation.

Similar to Eustress (positive stress), optimal levels of anxiety is essential or helpful as it encourages us to work harder and be mentally prepared for hurdles in life. However, anxiety turns to be problematic when it starts impacting our work, relationships and even health.

Usually anxiety is resultant of internal factors such as brain-chemistry and irrational thoughts or fears. Though there is no particular external cause of anxiety, it is very subjective i.e. vary from person to person. However chronic stressors and uncertainty regarding future may result in anxiousness. Following are few general factors that may cause anxiety:

·        Academic or work related stress,

·        Relationship issues,

·        Serious medical illness,

·        Social interaction or public speaking,

·        Loss of a loved one,

·        Side effect of drugs/medication,

·        Financial difficulties, etc.

Following are few ‘Warning Signs’ that reflect if a person is experiencing chronic (high-level or prolonged) anxiety. It is essential to recognize these signs in order to manage this feeling before it gets out of control and may take shape of Anxiety Disorders (link).

·        Worrying excessively and having difficulty controlling it

·        Avoiding things (even people and situations) that trigger anxiety

·        Feeling a sense of impending danger

·        Struggling to sit still or comfortably and often feel restless

·        Needing reassurance, more than usual

·        Difficulty concentrating or being attentive

·        Withdrawing from others and cancelling plans

·        Getting easily irritated or quick tempered

·        Increase in heart rate and difficulty in breathing due to worry.

If you feel like you are at a point where, your anxiety is just not going away and is significantly interfering with your routine activities, we highly encourage you to seek help.

Handling Anxiety

Different people handle anxiety in different manner. While some methods are healthy others may not be healthy. A particular method can provide a long term relief while another may be effective only for a short period of time.


Avoidance oriented- It refers to ‘leaving it’ or to the act of ignoring the existence of the problem. Here we try to reduce the anxiety by distancing ourselves from the trigger itself. Being hopeful that things will be fine eventually.

Task oriented- It refers to focus on working and indulging in regular tasks or having interventions that will help you being functional superficially.

Emotion oriented- It refers to focus on feeling or lifting mood these strategies or activities that are employed to divert attention away from anxiety triggers and toward other thoughts or behaviours that are not related to the anxiety. Such as binge watching a series/movie or hanging out with friends or doing anything that makes you feel good

Frequently Asked Questions

Certain techniques have been found to be effective to calm oneself during anxiety such as deep breathing exercises, keeping assuring oneself that this will pass, try to focus on something else, try a grounding exercise, like the 5-4-3-2-1 This technique uses the five senses to engage a person experiencing anxiety in the present moment.

  • Name five different objects you can see around you, and describe what they look like.
  • Name four different sounds you can hear around you, and describe what they sound like.
  • Name three different objects you can touch around you, and describe how they feel.
  • Name two different smells around you and describe how they smell.
  • Name one thing you can taste and describe how it tastes.

In the counselling session, you might vent out your troubling feelings which can lead to feeling of anxiety, your therapist will teach you some breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques and healthy skills to deal with these anxious feelings.

Deep breathing exercises, reminding oneself that the fear will pass, trying to focus on something else, and using grounding exercises like the 5-4-3-2-1 have all been found to be helpful in reducing anxiety.

You can reach out to a mental health professional who can help you to deal with social anxiety. Cognitive behaviour therapy will help to decrease symptoms of social anxiety by dealing with the dysfunctional thoughts associated with it.

Yes, by managing the symptoms one can live normal life with social anxiety. You can reach out to a mental health professional who can teach you some effective skills to deal with your social anxiety.

By taking treatment from a mental health professional the symptoms can be managed. You will learn skills to deal with the social situation that will reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

It has been discovered that employing grounding exercises like the 5-4-3-2-1, deep breathing exercises, reminding oneself that the fear will pass, trying to focus on anything else, and deep breathing exercises all assist to lower anxiety

Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, eating a balanced diet, abstaining from alcohol and caffeine, and getting enough sleep each night can all help someone feel more capable of overcoming anxiety.

Speak with a mental health professional who has trained. They can provide clarification on the distinction between social anxiety and shyness, assist you in identifying social anxiety triggers, teach you effective coping mechanisms, social skills, and relaxation techniques, and provide advice on how to challenge, replace, or reframe negative thoughts.

Cognitive behaviour therapy helps to overcome social anxiety, it aims to alter the negative automatic thoughts which will help to lessen anxiety.

Yes, a therapist can teach you skills to overcome anxiety. You will learn how to monitor your thoughts, ways to change them which will decrease the symptoms of anxiety.

In order to deal with social anxiety, you can get in touch with a mental health expert. By addressing the disordered ideas that go along with it, cognitive behaviour therapy will aid in reducing the symptoms of social anxiety.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to overcome anxiety?

Certain techniques have been found to be effective to calm oneself during anxiety such as deep breathing exercises, keeping assuring oneself that this will pass, try to focus on something else, try a grounding exercise, like the 5-4-3-2-1 This technique uses the five senses to engage a person experiencing anxiety in the present moment. Name five different objects you can see around you, and describe what they look like. Name four different sounds you can hear around you, and describe what they sound like. Name three different objects you can touch around you, and describe how they feel. Name two different smells around you and describe how they smell. Name one thing you can taste and describe how it tastes.

How to overcome anxiety in Counselling?

In the counselling session, you might vent out your troubling feelings which can lead to feeling of anxiety, your therapist will teach you some breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques and healthy skills to deal with these anxious feelings.

How do I calm down my anxiety?

Deep breathing exercises, reminding oneself that the fear will pass, trying to focus on something else, and using grounding exercises like the 5-4-3-2-1 have all been found to be helpful in reducing anxiety.

How can I reduce social anxiety?

You can reach out to a mental health professional who can help you to deal with social anxiety. Cognitive behaviour therapy will help to decrease symptoms of social anxiety by dealing with the dysfunctional thoughts associated with it.

Can you live a normal life with social anxiety?

Yes, by managing the symptoms one can live normal life with social anxiety. You can reach out to a mental health professional who can teach you some effective skills to deal with your social anxiety.

How to beat social anxiety?

By taking treatment from a mental health professional the symptoms can be managed. You will learn skills to deal with the social situation that will reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

What are good ways to deal with anxiety?

It has been discovered that employing grounding exercises like the 5-4-3-2-1, deep breathing exercises, reminding oneself that the fear will pass, trying to focus on anything else, and deep breathing exercises all assist to lower anxiety

How do I get over anxiety?

Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, eating a balanced diet, abstaining from alcohol and caffeine, and getting enough sleep each night can all help someone feel more capable of overcoming anxiety.

What is the best advice to overcome social anxiety?

Speak with a mental health professional who has trained. They can provide clarification on the distinction between social anxiety and shyness, assist you in identifying social anxiety triggers, teach you effective coping mechanisms, social skills, and relaxation techniques, and provide advice on how to challenge, replace, or reframe negative thoughts.

How people who have had social anxiety overcome it, and what treatment do you have?

Cognitive behaviour therapy helps to overcome social anxiety, it aims to alter the negative automatic thoughts which will help to lessen anxiety.

Can you completely overcome social anxiety?

Yes, a therapist can teach you skills to overcome anxiety. You will learn how to monitor your thoughts, ways to change them which will decrease the symptoms of anxiety.

How can I reduce my social anxiety?

In order to deal with social anxiety, you can get in touch with a mental health expert. By addressing the disordered ideas that go along with it, cognitive behaviour therapy will aid in reducing the symptoms of social anxiety.

What comes in "Overcome Anxiety" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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