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The Art of Listening

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Beneficial For:

  • Better Understanding
  • Enhanced active listening
  • Two-way communication
  • Interactive learning

We Will Help You With:

  • Understanding active listening concept
  • Developing non-verbal skills
  • Transforming interaction pattern
  • Techniques for better engagement

We often hear people complaining to each other “Are you even listening?” even when they are loud enough. Does this indicate hearing and listening are two different phenomenon?

Absolutely, hearing is a biological process while listening is psychological one. Hearing refers to recognising sound, listening on the other hand involves paying close attention to the sound, understand it and giving meaning to it.

Let’s understand the difference between Passive listening and Active listening

A passive listener is the one who listens without interrupting and may not make the communication effective. While an active listener contributes to the conversation by understanding the speaker.

Curiosity gives birth to active listening and thus effective learning. Passive listening is not a great way of communication especially for learning and understanding. In school or university set-up students shall be given freedom to ask questions, narrate their understanding. Teachers must ensure the two-way communication pattern in regular classes for increased engagement.

Benefits of active listening

·        Knowledge enhancement

·        Effective communication/learning

·        Reduced chances of miscommunication

·        Enhanced clarity

·        Better understanding of the situation

Art of listening is a life serving skill not only for learning but also for enhanced interpersonal relationships.

World is full of all kinds of stimulus or information that it has become tough to filter the important from unnecessary. Let’s figure out how we can listen consciously and make the most out of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Active listening is one of the most effective techniques for enhancing session dynamics, dispelling unhelpful beliefs, and fostering change in counselling, therapy.

It is never suitable for a counsellor to share their own personal experiences with clients. To ensure understanding, please paraphrase. Prior to asking questions, observe natural pauses in the speaker. Give both vocal ("yeah, I see") and nonverbal ("nod") acknowledgements to demonstrate that you are paying attention.

Understanding what the speaker is attempting to communicate completely needs a complicated set of listening skills that include paying attention to the speaker's body language and emotional undertones in addition to the stated words.

Yes, therapists utilize therapeutic listening to help patients communicate better and is an effective intervention for a variety of disorders.

Empathic listening, also known as therapeutic listening, is the act of paying close attention to and being receptive to other people's opinions during a conversation. Making an emotional connection with the other person while you listen requires you to look for similarities between their experience and your own in order to respond more sincerely.

To overcome harmful sound exposure and attain optimal brain health and functioning, The Listening Program (TLP) uses neuroscience-based music as therapy.

A listening session is a type of mediated conversation with a group of people, similar to a focus group, with the goal of gathering information about their experience. In a listening session, participants are requested to share their knowledge and opinions as well as occasionally respond to specific questions about a subject.

The Listening Program (TLP) uses classical music to enhance brain fitness, lessen sensory sensitivity, and make people feel at ease in their daily surroundings.

A therapeutic strategy called therapeutic listening combines sound-based intervention with strategies for sensory integration therapy.

Yes, listening therapy is very effective. It involves listening to the client empathically without judging them.

Making eye contact, noticing nonverbal cues, listening without making any assumptions and judgements, visualizing with listening and without interrupting.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is listening therapy?

Active listening is one of the most effective techniques for enhancing session dynamics, dispelling unhelpful beliefs, and fostering change in counselling, therapy.

How can I improve my listening skills in counselling?

It is never suitable for a counsellor to share their own personal experiences with clients. To ensure understanding, please paraphrase. Prior to asking questions, observe natural pauses in the speaker. Give both vocal ('yeah, I see') and nonverbal ('nod') acknowledgements to demonstrate that you are paying attention.

What is the art of listening?

Understanding what the speaker is attempting to communicate completely needs a complicated set of listening skills that include paying attention to the speaker's body language and emotional undertones in addition to the stated words.

Does listening therapy work?

Yes, therapists utilize therapeutic listening to help patients communicate better and is an effective intervention for a variety of disorders.

Which listening is known as therapeutic listening Why?

Empathic listening, also known as therapeutic listening, is the act of paying close attention to and being receptive to other people's opinions during a conversation. Making an emotional connection with the other person while you listen requires you to look for similarities between their experience and your own in order to respond more sincerely.

What is a listening program?

To overcome harmful sound exposure and attain optimal brain health and functioning, The Listening Program (TLP) uses neuroscience-based music as therapy.

What is the purpose of a listening session?

A listening session is a type of mediated conversation with a group of people, similar to a focus group, with the goal of gathering information about their experience. In a listening session, participants are requested to share their knowledge and opinions as well as occasionally respond to specific questions about a subject.

How does the listening program work?

The Listening Program (TLP) uses classical music to enhance brain fitness, lessen sensory sensitivity, and make people feel at ease in their daily surroundings.

What is therapeutic listening program?

A therapeutic strategy called therapeutic listening combines sound-based intervention with strategies for sensory integration therapy.

Is listening therapy Effective?

Yes, listening therapy is very effective. It involves listening to the client empathically without judging them.

How can improve listening skills?

Making eye contact, noticing nonverbal cues, listening without making any assumptions and judgements, visualizing with listening and without interrupting.

What comes in "The Art of Listening" Tool Kit.

Although we try to run from it, it is still there. Although we try to cover it up and smoother it, it is still there. Although we try to put on a brave, happy, smiley face and pretend it away, but it’s still there. It’s not a defect, but an illness and can be handled by helping through mental wellness solutions and therapy.

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